SCP-7527 - SCP Foundation
2024年1月22日 · Description: SCP-7527-A is Sylvester "Slimmy" Kincaid (Hereafter SCP-7527-A), an American film actor who allegedly starred in 489 motion pictures from 1935 until his death in 1978.
SCP-7527 - SCP基金会
当受试者听到或看到“Slimmy Kincaid”这个名字时,SCP-7527-A的异常效应就会显现出来,然后受试者将被迫积极捍卫SCP-7527-A的职业、生活方式、作品和价值观,无论受试者是否知道SCP-7527-A的存在。
SCP-7528 - SCP基金会
2024年9月14日 · SCP-7528 的突破造成了共四十九人的伤亡,其中二十三人死亡,损失预计达69亿美元(2019年美元),这并不包括研究数据的备份和Area-12网络上的所有电子存储设备的更换费用。
SCP-752 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-752 is an underground city in the northern Mountains, spanning km 2, population approximately 10,000. An array of electric lighting devices powered by a geothermal generator create day and night matching the rhythm of the outside world.
SCP-7527 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Description: SCP 7527 seems to be identified as a young aged Canadian. She seems to posses superhuman powers and is capable of such speeds, she can time travel, but most importantly she is discipline since she believes that discipline will lead to success.
SCP-7528 - 縮影媒介:投影 - SCP基金會
2023年10月30日 · SCP-7528 顯現於維安攝影機螢幕上,並在多個螢幕間快速穿梭。 兩名特工摀著自己的太陽穴呻吟著,最終兩人的頭部同時爆開。
Category:Child | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
SCPs that are between the ages of 1 to 12 years old.
深红王之子中心页 - SCP基金会
“圣兽” (正式文件编为SCP-53C)是一种特定种类的头足类生物,由狄瓦帝国为针对海洋及大河文明作战而开发。 SCP-53C的特点是具有极端攻击性、极端生殖力,能够在咸水和淡水中均可生存。 在特定水体内引入一群SCP-53C后,很快机会导致生态系统崩溃。
Category:Female | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
SCPs or Characters having female reproductive anatomy or have been considered female.
Scarlet King | Villains Wiki | Fandom
The Scarlet King is a major antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. He is an ancient and evil god worshiped by groups such as the Children of the Scarlet King as a ruthless powerful monarch often tied to the destruction of the current world as we know it.
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