SCP-8118 - SCP Foundation
2024年11月1日 · SCP-8118 is an undefined anomaly that resides within SCS-74. All documentation on SCP-8118 prior to the abandonment of SCS-74 has been lost within the structure, making identification of the anomaly a priority for …
SCP-8118 - SCP基金会
2024年3月11日 · SCP-8118 能够改变 SCS-74 内的环境,将自发地重组其环境的内部构造。 尽管如此,SCS-74 外表仍大致类似于建造于二十世纪末期的其它基金会站点。 SCS-74 内部缺少自然光照,尽管建筑外部可见有窗户出现。 站点内遍布人造光源,但任何时候此些照明均无法有效照亮环境。 扁盒 人员内部已广泛接受一种理论,即自然光与 SCP-8118 之间拥有负面的相互作用,且该原理已被运用至 若哭 中的内部运作部分。 SCS-74 内的门径与走廊空间被极大地扭曲,多 …
SCP-8118-2 - SCP基金会
看起来好像是通往站点更深处的,这肯定也是 SCP-8118 干的好事,不然我早就应该找到出口了。 观察者: 我要穿过这个出口,不过可能有点挤了。
SCP-8118-1 - SCP Foundation
Walls are exposed concrete, floor is still some sort of metal painted bright red. No support beams anywhere, and no exits. OBSERVER: Checking the walls. Found an exit that way a couple …
SCP-8118 | Fan Made SCP’s Wiki | Fandom
SCP-8118 - Plug Object class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: Kept in a one-layer steel room, 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide. Any electronic devices of any kind are strictly prohibited, including electronic lights and battery powered devices. The only light in …
SCP-8000竞赛中心 - SCP基金会
图片:两个女孩站在一扇倾泻着白光的门前。 左边的女孩穿着混搭实验室风格与女巫风格的衣服。 她脸上有着变幻莫测的神情,双手交叉,正怂恿着她的朋友进门。 另一位女孩,即右边的那位,正穿着以金色镶边的绿色衣裙,背后有蓝色的蝴蝶结。 她用一只手臂夹着一本厚书,并有一条白蛇盘绕在另一条手臂上。 两人周围,那扇门在漩涡之中旋动着,浮向天空。 该页面有另一翻译版本可供阅览, 点此查看。 令人惊讶的是,对于我们这样一个历史悠久的网站,居然从来没有以幻 …
SCP-8118 - La Fundación SCP
SCP-8118 es una anomalía indefinida que se encuentra dentro del SEC-74. Toda la documentación de SCP-8118 existente previo al abandono del SEC-74 se perdió dentro de la estructura, lo cual ha hecho que la identificación de la anomalía sea una prioridad para los Testigos durante sus exploraciones.
SCP-818 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · Description: SCP-818 is a young male, appearing to be approximately seven to twelve years of age. Additionally, SCP-818 displays all the signs of behaviour consistent with low-functioning nonverbal autism. The examinations of on-site behaviorists and recovered medical records show that this condition has been present for SCP-818's entire life.
8118 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
8118 acts extremely paranoid and rambles to itself for hours on end. Other then fear, 8118 experiences fits of narcissistic behavior and angry out lashes. During interviews it rarely answers questions, being too "on edge" to answer any. 8118 only needs to …
Mars - The Topiary
Special Containment Procedures (CURRENT): As of 30/08/2020, SCP-8118 no longer exists. Object reclassified. Description: SCP-8118 is a retrocausal bomb located at the center of Herschel Crater, Mare Tyrrhenum region of Mars.
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