SCP-817 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · SCP-817 is mentally unstable, displaying severe psychotic symptoms. During psychotic episodes, which make up roughly 30% of its waking hours and are always triggered by its metamorphic shifts, SCP-817 is extremely hostile and will attempt to breach containment and attack personnel.
SCP-817 - SCP基金会
在牢房的墙壁上装有足够多的设备以控制scp-817,其中包括装有镇静剂的飞镖,一个能使房间充满催眠气体的气泵,一个将房间内氧气抽走的气泵,一件能使房间被水、强酸或强碱浸没的机械,一件将速硬泡沫充满房间的机械,一件能一次性将约300只苍蝇引入房间 ...
scp-817-随变人 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年4月8日 · 在牢房的墙壁上装有足够多的设备以控制scp-817,其中包括装有镇静剂的飞镖,一个能使房间充满催眠气体的气泵,一个将房间内氧气抽走的气泵,一件能使房间被水、强酸或强碱浸没的机械,一件将速硬泡沫充满房间的机械,一件能一次性将约300只苍蝇引入房间 ...
SCP-817 | Random Metamorphism (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
2022年10月13日 · SCP-817 is a humanoid of indeterminate gender and variable physical features, although genetic testing suggests it was once a young Asian male. SCP-817 periodically undergoes radical...
SCP-CN-817 - SCP基金会
项目编号:SCP-CN-817. 项目等级:Safe. 特殊收容措施:目标需存放在至少大于自身体积5倍的空间并在墙壁做好防冲击措施。对于多枚目标同时收容在一起时可按照体积最大的个体来计算所需空间。
SCP基金會 SCP-817(隨變人) - 每日頭條
2018年12月20日 · 在牢房的牆壁上裝有足夠多的設備以控制scp-817,其中包括裝有鎮靜劑的飛鏢,一個能使房間充滿催眠氣體的氣泵,一個將房間內氧氣抽走的氣泵,一件能使房間被水、強酸或強鹼浸沒的機械,一件將速硬泡沫充滿房間的機械,一件能一次性將約300隻蒼蠅引入房間 ...
SCP-817 - Случайное превращение
scp-817 стал прозрачным и получил способность проходить сквозь предметы. Применение транквилизаторов и усыпляющего газа ни к чему не привело, успешно выведен из строя откачкой кислорода.
SCP-817 - Crossover Wiki | Fandom
SCP-817, also known as Random Metamorphism, is the 817th SCP anomaly recorded under the SCP-Foundation 's system of classification and containment of anomalous subjects. SCP -classification: Euclid. Sequence. SCP-817 is held in a solitary confinement cell in Site- .
817 - SCP Foundation
SCP-817 is inert unless it is placed in water or combined with a chemical agent. In the presence of water or a preferred reaction partner, SCP-817 will change color to match the water's pH. This process can take from three hours to 24 hours, depending on the desired color(s) and saturation.
SCP-817 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-817. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-817 must be kept in a closed cell. SCP-817 should be fed with kilos of meat per day. Laconic Description: SCP-817 was once a man who began to make complete metamorphoses of his body. This caused him various problems, especially to the brain, and this made him aggressive ...
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