SCP-098 - SCP Foundation
SCP-098 demonstrates pack-hunting behavior when attacking prey. When specimens detect a prey animal, they will attempt to surround it. They will mimic the sounds made by the creature, apparently to confuse it or to draw it into position. When …
**SCP-9098 - "The Abomination Tape"**
2024年5月28日 · During the conceptualization stage, reviewers can let you know if something similar already exists on the site, and/or tell you if there is anything that would prevent them from wanting to read a full draft. These issues are more effectively addressed earlier …
SCP-098 - 百度百科
SCP-098「疡蟹」是网络共笔科幻怪谈体系《SCP基金会》中的一种超自然生物。 其表现为一种外形类似于螃蟹的甲壳纲动物,该物种的个体们在狩猎时,会通过模仿猎物所属物种的声音,以此来迷惑猎物,并尝试切断其腿部肌腱或其他肢体。 之后它们向猎物的伤口吐出会迅速硬化的黏液,因为SCP-098个体只会食用仍在呼吸的猎物。 SCP-098成员应被收容在10m X 20m的房间,房间拥有小池塘和沙质基座。 石子和浮木在房间内随机摆放,以供SCP-098用来筑巢。 每周根据情 …
SCP-9098 - YouTube
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SCP-9098 Interview Tape - YouTube
This tape was discovered on January 12, 2025 near the [REDACTED] site. Although it's condition was sorry looking. It was took to a nearby shop to be restored...
SCP-098 | SCP: 5K Wiki | Fandom
SCP-098 is a species of crustacean that looks like a crab, but with knife-like front limbs made of silica. They can grow larger than typical land-dwelling arthropods and prefer environments with concealment and shallow water. They can breathe both water and air and make vocalizations using a primitive lung and larynx-like structure.
SCP-098 | SCP Foundation Wiki | Fandom
SCP-098 demonstrates pack-hunting behavior when attacking prey. When specimens detect a prey animal, they will attempt to surround it. They will mimic the sounds made by the creature, apparently to confuse it or to draw it into position. When …
SCP-098 | The SCP Fan Foundation Wiki | Fandom
Scp-098 object class Euclid also known as the El Grande maja it is a underwater creature about 57 ft long with six eyes it is like a serpent but much larger first sighting of it was in 1999 and... Start a Wiki
SCP-098 | Wiki Fundação SCP | Fandom
SCP-098 demonstra um comportamento de matilha de caça ao atacar presas. Quando espécimes detectam uma presa, elas tentam cercá-lo. Tentam também imitar os sons feitos pela criatura, aparentemente para confundi-lo ou levá-la a uma posição vulnerável.
SCP-098 - Computer Generated Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-098 is a white, polaroid, encased in a cardboard box, dyed black, approximately 20cm in diameter. Instances of SCP-098's anomalous effects are observed in all healthy newborns, with apparent genetic cost of origin in the DNA of the child.
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