SCP-3943 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3943 refers to an anomaly which affects an entity resembling a Filipino-American male (SCP-3943-1) 1 and a standard taco vending cart (SCP-3943-2) 2 which are laterally displaced partway into the side of a commercial building (SCP-3943-3) in the Paseo district of Oklahoma City.
D-9341 | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Benjamin Oliver Walker, otherwise known as D-9341, is the main protagonist of SCP — Containment Breach, a video game adaptation of the SCP Foundation. He is a disposable class personnel housed at an unspecified SCP Foundation site.
SCP-943 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · Item #: SCP-943. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-943 is to be stored in a secure lockbox in a High Security Containment Vault, accessible only to Level 2 or higher personnel. For purposes of interrogation, Level 1 personnel may request access to SCP-943, but the request must be approved by Level 2 personnel, and the ...
D-9341 - 百度百科
SCP-343 - 百度百科
scp-343「神」是网络共笔怪谈文学《 scp基金会 》系列中的角色之一。来历不明的老人,自愿被基金会收容。拥有较强的 现实扭曲 能力,自称是这个宇宙的创造者。scp-343没有表现出危险性,因此基金会的员工可以自由进出其收容间。
SCP-9343-A and SCP-9343-B | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino …
2022年2月24日 · SCP-9343-A is a humanoid with pale grey skin and short, blue hair. He stands at 5'2" ( 157.48cm ) in height, and has a very skinny, malnourished body. His eyes are caved in and are always wide open, except for when he's asleep.
SCP-343 至高神性终极秘密 重生后竟是SCP-239 - 百家号
2021年1月25日 · SCP-343是一个外表不明、种族不明的老年男性,因为每个人看到他呈现的样貌都是不同的。 343自称是宇宙的创造者,并且还向基金会显现了其无中生有、变幻莫测的强大能力和较强的现实扭曲能力。 这一切都证明了基金会无法真正收容343,他是自愿留下来的。 这么强大的SCP-343自然也成为了基金会的重要武器之一。 在面对能轻松造成ZK级末日情景,且精神分裂晚期的SCP-3812「我身后的声音」时,基金会为防止3812的暴走,将SCP-343请了出来。 可 …
SCP-943 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2017年7月2日 · Item #: SCP-943. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-943 is to be stored in a secure lockbox in a High Security Containment Vault, accessible only to Level 2 or higher personnel.
SCP-943 - Computer Generated Foundation - pali6.github.io
Description: SCP-943 is an audio cassette tape containing the track 8, "The Lord of the Rings", with the track endianed. It appears in reverse chronological order, while physically containing all the words and sound of the text.
943 - SCP Foundation
When engaged by an enemy plane, SCP-943 will isolate its target— usually a pilot— and disorient them via anomalous means, before then destroying its target in tandem with said pilot. SCP-943 possesses a high degree of intelligence, and will follow certain flight patterns to maximize damage against specific targets.
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