Are We Cool Yet? Hub - SCP Foundation
Are We Cool Yet? is an artistic movement existing on the fringes of the international avant-garde, with roots in the early surrealist art movements of the late 19th and early 20th century and the growing scientific understanding and study of the anomalous that …
Are We Cool Yet?中心页 - SCP基金会
awcy?的组织架构因地而异。 许多团体是以小小的沙龙聚会组织而成,由一位才华横溢的人或专业评论家所领导;其它团体则只是在一起,且没有明显的领导人;有些成员则更喜欢自行做事。
Are We Cool Yet? - 百度百科
“Are We Cool Yet?”(简称“AWCY?”)是网络共笔科幻怪谈系列《SCP基金会》中的一个 GOI (相关组织),其为一个异常艺术组织,成员均为利用异常创造公共艺术的艺术家(也被称为“异术家”)。 AWCY?有时会导致一场恶性事件,因为AWCY?的成员大多不在乎艺术所造成的危害。 Are We Cool Yet? AWCY? Are We Cool Yet?的成员是一群异常艺术家(或称异术家),他们有能力获得或生产异常物品和实体,并用这些物品创造艺术装置。 这些装置会被放置在最大程度面向 …
Are We Cool Yet? 中心頁 - SCP基金會
AWCY? 藝術家最大且最可見的集會是 "Sommes-Nous Devenus Magnifiques?",這是一個自1874年以來每十年舉辦一次的盛大展覽會,此處「知情人士」可以聚集在一起觀看和審查一些過去十年間創作的最好的異常作品。
Are We Cool Yet? | Villains Wiki - Fandom
Are We Cool Yet?, often stylized as AWCY?, are major antagonists in the SCP Foundation series. They are a surrealist art movement originating from the 19th century who commonly utilize anomalies in their artwork.
Are We Cool Yet? – Illegal shapes? forbidden numbers? Art is not …
Advancements in desktop manufacturing has opened new possibilities for everyone. Some want to restrict modern artistic expressions like guncad and home built firearms. To continue these advancements AWCY empowers individuals with guidance, inspiration, and …
Are We Cool Yet? | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Are We Cool Yet? (AWCY?) (GoI-0267 or GoI-2979) is an avant-garde, surrealist anartist collective that produces anomalous art that range from safe to extremely dangerous. Unlike many other factions, AWCY? operates in individual cells, which can range from salons to …
Are We Cool Yet? ハブ - SCP財団
Are We Cool Yet?は19世紀末から20世紀初頭の初期シュールレアリストと、当時発展し始めていた科学的な理解と超常に対する研究を起源に持つ、国際的な前衛芸術家たちの活動の周縁に存在する芸術運動です。 (どうやって運動がそれ自身の性質を持つようになったかについては、コンテスト参加tale"クールの誕生"で言及されています。 )この運動には中心的リーダーと本拠地は存在せず、伝統や慣行はごく少数です。 公的なメンバーとしての役割や要求される事柄もあ …
Arewecoolyet?--SCP基金会外部组织补完(1) | 机核 GCORES
Are we cool yet?(简称AWCY?)是存在于国际性前卫边缘的艺术活动,其艺术源于19世纪晚期至20世纪初期的超现实主义艺术活动,并在进入新世纪后出现了更多以科技为题材的异常艺术创作(Anart)例如SCP-1127类型的短片或是SCP-1590类型的电子游戏。
Are We Cool Yet? - 나무위키
2024年7月1日 · SCP 재단 의 세계관 에 존재하는 예술가 단체이자 테러리스트 단체. 아무나 자기를 AWCY라고 지칭할 수 있기에 조직화된 단체보다는 일종의 변칙예술운동에 가깝다. 2. 상세 [편집] 주로 예술작품과 같은 느낌이 나는 SCP를 제작하여 대중에 퍼뜨리고 다니는 예술단체. Are We Cool Yet?의 구성원들은 명단이나 자격, 그리고 중심 지도부 등이 없다. Are We Cool Yet?에 들어오려면 변칙적인 예술작품을 만들어 예술 활동을 하면 된다. 이들은 자신들끼리 모임을 만들어 …