Eta-11 "Savage Beasts" - SCP Database Wiki
MTF η-11 (Eta-11), nicknamed "Savage Beasts" or "Hear No Evil", is a Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation that specializes in countering and containing auditory anomalies. Though it had great prominence when it was initially founded, the Memetics Department subsumed much of MTF Eta-11's responsibilities, reducing the MTF to a small ...
Mobile Task Forces - SCP Foundation
2025年1月16日 · MTF Eta-11 (“Savage Beasts”) Task Force Mission: Mobile Task Force Eta-11 specializes in the investigation, acquisition, and containment of auditory and musical anomalies, including any auditory cognitohazards or sound-based anomalous threats.
机动特遣队 - SCP基金会
2024年4月20日 · 机动特遣队Eta-11(“Savage Beasts”-残忍野兽) 特遣队任务: 机动特遣队Eta-11擅长调查、获取和收容听觉影响和音乐性异常,包括任何听觉认知危机和基于声音的异常威胁。
機動特遣隊 - SCP基金會
2025年1月11日 · MTF Eta-11 「殘暴野獸」 機動特遣隊任務: 機動特遣隊Eta-11專門研究,收集和收容聽覺和音樂異常,包括任何聽覺認知或基於聲音的異常威脅。 協助收容的項目:
SCP基金会一 机动特遣队(MTF) - 哔哩哔哩
机动特遣队Eta-11(“Savage Beasts”-残忍野兽) 特遣队任务: 机动特遣队Eta-11擅长调查、获取和收容听觉影响和音乐性异常,包括任何听觉认知危机和基于声音的异常威胁。
SCP基金会机动特遣队一览 - 哔哩哔哩
机动特遣队(MTF)是由从基金会各部门中抽调的人员组成的精英单位,调动以处理特殊威胁或某些时候超过普通外勤人员处理能力或专业范围的情况并——如它们的名字所示——可能在需要时会在设施或地点之间调动。 机动特遣队在基金会里代表“精英中的精英”。 机动特遣队的规模,构成和目标各不相同。 一个营级规模的战斗型特遣队被训练应对高侵略性个体,可能包含上百名士兵以及支援人员,车辆,和装备并能整个或部分部署到全球来处理威胁。 尽管如此,并非所有机动 …
MTF Η-11 ("Savage Beasts") | RBreach Wiki | Fandom
MTF Eta-11 ("Savage Beasts") is a Mobile Task Force unit that contains and/or investigates sound based objects or entities. Eta-11 Units have grey urban camouflage Uniform along with a Black Balaclava and Helmet along with Red Goggles. They have a chance of spawning with Headphones instead of a Black Helmet and Balaclava.
MTF Eta-11 | SCPAbridged Wiki | Fandom
Specialization: Eta-11, or "Savage Beasts", specializes in the containment and investigation of anomalies that are auditory or musical, including auditory cognitohazards and threats that utilize sound. General Information: Eta-11 is a relatively small MTF unit that doesn't see much action.
scp命令传输文件,显示的ETA符号是什么意思 - CSDN博客
2022年2月25日 · Linux中的`scp`命令是Secure Copy的缩写,它是一个用于在本地主机和远程主机之间安全传输文件的命令行工具。`scp`基于SSH协议,提供了加密的数据传输,确保文件在传输过程中的安全性。在本场景中,由于需要更换VPS,...
Mike Carter | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Agent Mike Carter is an operative working for the SCP Foundation's Department of Task Forces as part of MTF Eta-11 "Savage Beasts". He is currently the newest recruit to MTF Eta-11, having been transferred due to his request to be transferred to an active role.