SCP-009 - SCP Foundation
2024年9月30日 · When in contact with any aqueous solution, SCP-009 will, through unknown mechanisms, transfer its anomalous properties to other objects and creatures. Testing has shown it capable of assimilating ice, steam, tea, fruit juice, seawater, blood, and [DATA EXPUNGED].
SCP-009 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-009 ("Red Ice") is a form of red-hued water that is the complete opposite of normal water. 009 has opposite states of matter in comparison to water; for example, 009 is solidified above 0°C (32°F) and liquified between -100°C (-148°F) and 0°C (32°F). In …
SCP-1386 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月2日 · SCP-1386 has a thin slot in the middle of its driver-side door, which only becomes visible when it dispenses the various ice cream products it sells. Along with the ice cream, the van slides out a small slip of receipt paper with a price written on it in what has been described as “very sloppy, but legible” handwriting.
SCP-5172 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5172 is a phenomenon that affects guests at North American hotels. Affected individuals will perceive a machine that serves the sole function of dispensing ice. These ice machines, while otherwise non-anomalous, are typically located in the hallway of the guest's floor, in close proximity to an elevator lobby or a storage closet.
SCP-009 | The SCP Foundation Wiki | Fandom
If placed in physical contact with any aqueous solution (be it ice, salt water, or water vapor in air), SCP-009 will "spread" and contaminate any H 2 O in said solution, causing it to exhibit the subject's properties.
旧日沉冰 - SCP基金会
房间冰冷酷寒,绝非基金会日夜开动的空调可以赋予,更似徘徊不去的凛冬雪夜,肆虐着足以凝冻血液的极度深寒。 这个寒冷房间中坐着一位女人,或者说至少看起来像是个女人。 她怀中紧 …
SCP-009 - Red Ice | The SCP Foundation Database
2019年3月26日 · Description: SCP-009 is approximately liters of a substance which superficially resembles distilled water (H2O), except with a distinct bright red hue. This red hue is discernible in all phases, and serves as the most expedient method of identifying contaminated matter before its anomalous properties manifest.
Project-ice的人事页 - SCP基金会
2024年7月31日 · 自幼因为堂姐的恐怖小说看多了,外加隔壁大哥哥天天给讲鬼故事,导致幼时每天可持续性尿裤。 长大在确认了膀胱没问题后开始对相关题材的作品感兴趣,并于十五岁整递交了入站申请——然后一字没动到2023年。 现在处于经常性的鸽子、有灵感但不写、想写但没灵感、写完立刻想自删等各种状态中。 但总之,希望我的那些不成熟的作品能让你得到些许乐趣。 最后,祝看到这些文字的你生活顺利,身体健康。 以及,如果你不喜欢我用黑标,你咬我啊。 如 …
SCP-548 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-548 is a female cobalt tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus), 7.3 cm long. Its venom undergoes a highly endothermic reaction on contact with living tissue; a single bite, injecting less than 0.5 mL venom, causes an average temperature drop of 38°C in the affected area.
SCP-009 - Red Ice (SCP Animation) - YouTube
SCP 009 is a Euclid Class anomaly also known as Red Ice. SCP-009 is a substance that superficially resembles distilled water (H2O), except with a dis...more