SCP: Nemesi | A Multiplayer Survival Horror Game set in the SCP …
Official site of the game SCP: Nemesi, an upcoming PvPvE multiplayer survival horror game set in the scp foundation lore and universe. Players will take part in the latest experiment conducted by the SCP Foundation, by playing either the role of the SCP or as a human.
SCP: Nemesi - Alpha Testing on Steam
SCP: Nemesi is an intense multiplayer survival-horror game that offers a thrilling experience for fans of the SCP Foundation universe and for newcomers too! In this game, players are divided into two groups: one player takes on the role of a powerful anomalous creature, the SCP, while the other four players become Humans, each with their own ...
Download | SCP: Nemesi
The game is not out yet! and ask how! You can also join the waitlist and be notifed as soon as the game releases!
SCPs | SCP: Nemesi
In the official SCP wiki, SCP-049 is described as: A humanoid entity of unknown origin, which is primarily depicted wearing a plague doctor's mask. SCP-049 exhibits a unique ability to cause rapid necrosis in living organisms it touches, and is highly intelligent and fluent in …
SCP: Nemesi - Steam Community
SCP: Nemesi is a multiplayer survival-horror game where one player takes on the role of the SCP (anomalous creatures, each with its own abilities and appearance), and the other four players play as Humans, each with their own personal goals and tasks that may branch into different paths.
非对称恐怖生存游戏新作《SCP: Nemesi》上架Steam! - 游侠网
2023年8月3日 · Lunar Lighthouse Studios旗下非对称恐怖生存游戏新作《SCP: Nemesi》现已上架Steam。 (点此前往Steam商店页) 本作是一款多人联机恐怖生存游戏,中一名玩家将扮演具有特殊技能的变异刺客(本作中的“SCP”),其他四名玩家扮演“人类”,展开生死对抗。
《SCP: Nemesi》Steam頁面開放 非對稱生存冒險 - 遊戲狂
《SCP: Nemesi》遊戲中,玩家一人扮演具有特殊技能的變異刺客SCP,另外4名玩家扮演人類展開生死對抗大冒險,與其他眾多此類型遊戲一樣,人類雖然人數眾多但是沒有戰鬥手段,只能憑借對地圖環境的靈活利用以及躲藏、互動等來逃避SCP的追殺。
SCP: Nemesi | indienova GameDB 游戏库
2023年10月2日 · SCP: Nemesi is a multiplayer survival-horror game where one player takes on the role of the SCP (anomalous creatures, each with its own abilities and appearance), and the other four players play as Humans, each with their own personal goals and tasks that may branch into different paths.
《SCP: Nemesi》steam页面开放 非对称生存冒险 - 3DM游戏网的 …
2023年8月3日 · 《SCP: Nemesi》游戏中,玩家一人扮演具有特殊技能的变异刺客SCP,另外4名玩家扮演人类展开生死对抗大冒险,与其他众多此类型游戏一样,人类虽然人数众多但是没有战斗手段,只能凭借对地图环境的灵活利用以及躲藏、互动等来逃避SCP的追杀。
《SCP: Nemesi》steam页面开放 非对称生存冒险-3楼猫
2023年8月3日 · 《SCP: Nemesi》游戏中,玩家一人扮演具有特殊技能的变异刺客SCP,另外4名玩家扮演人类展开生死对抗大冒险,与其他众多此类型游戏一样,人类虽然人数众多但是没有战斗手段,只能凭借对地图环境的灵活利用以及躲藏、互动等来逃避SCP的追杀。