SCP: Roleplay Wiki - Fandom
In-game, players can choose between multiple different roles in the SCP universe, be it a member of the Security Department; re-contain SCPs as an elite Mobile Task Force operative; raid the site as a Chaos Insurgent, or simply be Class - D personnel; death row inmates that can either participate in testing conducted by the Scientific ...
SCP: Operation Praetereo v3 (OFFICIAL TRAILER) - YouTube
SCP: OP is finally getting another update! Now for 1.20.10+Includes bug fixes, an overhaul of the damage system, some new additions and quality of life impro...
Operatives - SCP: The Red Lake Wiki
2025年1月2日 · SCP Operatives. SCP Operatives are anomalous humanoids or otherwise alive entities that are co-operative with the Foundation and are utilized to help contain SCP-354.
若你有机会做一名绝不被推翻的棋手,你当如何选择? 在 2025博弈竞赛,加入这狂欢的棋局吧。 + 想要发布新作品? 欢迎来到SCP基金会中文wiki。 在发布你的第一篇原创作品或者翻译作品之前,请先确保你已经做过以下事情: 艺术作品:蕃茄酱日快乐! “……你知道这世上没有万灵药。 “可这里是基金会。 “下一站,調景嶺。 列車已到達終點站,請所有乘客落車。 “只有殴打,才能让我们对双方的文化抱有深刻的认识;只有殴打,才能带领我们走向真正的和平! “你不能只看 …
Category:SCPs | SCP: Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
SCPs are the main focus of SCP: Roleplay, alongside the SCP universe as a whole. They are anomalous entities — sentient or not — that defy the rules of reality; things that should not exist. In-game, SCPs take many different forms — they can be a lamp that drains color from objects, a medieval plague doctor, or even a statue that moves.
首頁 - SCP基金會
中元恐怖——《早梅詩》是繁中分部在2024年農曆七月期間所發布的原創恐怖scp合輯。 接下來的二十日內,二十位本分部的作者將發布二十篇全新的SCP作品, 前往中心頁 。
Ranks - SCP: Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
Ranks are a feature in SCP: Roleplay. A player's rank on the Role they are currently playing as can be found directly underneath their username. Ranks are different for every team and can only be unlocked with Team XP .
Classic Co-op mod for SCP - Containment Breach - ModDB
Since the first progress video that was uploaded to my channel, SCP-173 has come a long way in terms of it's functionality. After breaking a few times, and fixes, it finally works as intended, and is still as aggressive as it was in the original.
Main - SCP Foundation
2025年3月1日 · At least two of the ten AI-operated, unmanned vehicles designed as police cars from various states within the U.S. are to pursue SCP-7484 during daily playing sessions. This month's Featured Artists: rottingraisins, Fenmoth, JohnnoDwarf.
SCP: 秘密实验室
在1月26日凌晨4:00 (UTC+8),我们将举办一场社区直播,届时我们将与合作的内容创作者们一起游玩SCP:秘密实验室,并邀请一位特殊的嘉宾! 你可能因他的SCP内容和他风趣幽默的风格而认识他! >> https://www.y... 大家好。 节日现在已经结束了,是时候恢复到正常的游戏中了。 我们刚刚发布了14.0.2版本,内含我们在节日期间完成的修复与调整。 动画与图形更新 添加了一个物品拾取动画。 为 “Flashed” 状态效果添加了一个动画,在被闪光弹影响时触... 我们的目标是在 …