SCP 194 and 1265_A HP/Speed Buff - Accepted
2020年6月28日 · What are you suggesting? - HP buff for both scps and speed buff for the scp 1265_A How would this change better the server? - Both scps especially 194 are pretty squishy and easy to kill /recontain after their armor is shredded. So i want to suggest to buff both scps health to sustain more damage...
SCP-194-1 Physical Test (6/6/19) - Foundation Test Logs
2019年6月6日 · Name: Cornn Flaek Rank: Executive Resaercher Clearance Level: 3 List of Personnel involved in testing: Security LCPL fred Level D personnel involved: Class D Stanky SCP: 194 Errors and/or safety hazards: LCPL opened the CC door before testing was ready, almost breaching 194.
SCP 194 - 096 [Labor] / Oct 17. 2019 - Foundation Test Logs ...
2019年10月17日 · Name: Geeman Rank: Researcher SCP: 096 and 194 Test subjects: 3 D class Escorts/Assistances needed: JR Tanga and MTF Mystic and MTf Taco. Labor/Work being used: I have Created a device that I believe will allow a individual to give both remote and vocal orders to 096. also as a safety precations ...
SCP-008 & SCP-194 - Foundation Test Logs - Gaminglight Forums …
2021年1月7日 · Lore Name: Cparsons5Rank: Experienced ResearcherSCP: 008 & 194 Question / Idea: How would SCP-194's reaction to getting a dose of SCP-008 be different then a human’s reaction to 008? My second question is will it kill or badly injure SCP-194?Background Research: SCP-194 is a Euclid class SCP....
SCP-076 vs SCP-5-5208-GL and SCP- 194 - Foundation Test Logs ...
2021年5月5日 · Lore Name: Coomer Rank: LR SCP:076, 5208-GL, and 194 Question / Idea: is 076 strong enough to take on 5 SCPS of 5208-GL and 194. Background Research: 076 as you know, is some kind of caveman warrior from the past. He very strong and can survive from many shots and hits from guns and melees. He ca...
SCP-194 Spawn message - Denied - Denied - Gaminglight Forums …
2019年7月4日 · - SCP-194 Spawn message removed Why should we add it? - I know that it isn't a big deal, but all the message does is make new players confused and makes them question it in OOC. It doesn't do anything at all.
SCP-194 Test 3/12/2019 - Foundation Test Logs - Gaminglight …
2019年3月12日 · Lore Name: Jeff Rank: Senior Researcher - This was before my Promotion - Clearance Level: 2 List of personnel involved in testing: 2 Class-D Personnel 1 Security SO and Myself. Level D personnel involved: Ant Hunter - The Social Class-D - and Class D 3124 - a Well-Known Mute - SCP: SCP-194 Hypoth...
SCP 194 Crosstest. - Foundation Test Logs - Gaminglight Forums
SCP 194 Crosstest. SCP 194 Crosstest. By Wundt April 1, 2019 in Foundation Test Logs. Share More sharing ...
SCP-194 and SCP-682 Communication attempt test.
SCP-194 and SCP-682 Communication attempt test. By ShadowPL June 4, 2021 in Foundation Test Logs. Share ...
SCP-194 Vs. "SCP-731" - Foundation Test Logs - Gaminglight …
2021年4月22日 · SCP-194 Vs. "SCP-731" By Cardigan Backyardigan April 22, 2021 in Foundation Test Logs. Share