SCP-497 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-497 appears to be an Eustrombus gigas conch seashell. Recordings have shown that SCP-497 continuously emits a very faint sound of voices screaming from within its shell. This sound dissipates a few inches away from the object.
SCP-497 | The Shell (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP-497 appears to be an Eustrombus gigas conch seashell. Recordings have shown that SCP-497 continuously emits a very faint sound of voices screaming from within its shell. This sound...
SCP-497 - The Shell - Euclid [The SCP Foundation] - YouTube
Attempts to damage SCP-497 have resulted in an increase in sound magnitude and accelerated rate of materialization of subjects. The object was recovered in India and has produced subjects of...
SCP-497 - SCP Explained
Laconic Description: SCP-497 is a conch shell that emits the sound of someone screaming. Listening too closely to SCP-497 causes people to disintegrate. Now and again, a man will manifest near SCP-497 and die.
497 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-497. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-497 requires the use of at least two (2) personnel to operate, and is currently contained in a purpose-built containment chamber. The chamber is surrounded by a 20 m electrified fence, and motion detectors are used to detect any unauthorized activity outside the chamber.
SCP-497 - La Caracola - YouTube
2024年12月22日 · SCP-497La CaracolaEuclidSCP-497 en español: http://lafundacionscp.wikidot.com/scp-497SCP en español: http://lafundacionscp.wikidot.com/Autor/a: Dr RathEste S...
SCP Foundation: SCPs 400 to 599 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-497 is a conch shell that has been revealed through recordings to continuously emit very faint screaming voices from within itself. The sound is known to dissipate inches away from the object.
SCP-497 - Fondazione SCP
Nel caso che SCP-497 materializzi un corpo, il personale medico deve analizzare la salute del soggetto e notificare la sicurezza. Se ancora vivo, il soggetto deve essere scortato in infermeria per essere trattato.
SCP-497 - La Fundación SCP
Las grabaciones han demostrado que SCP-497 emite continuamente un tenue sonido de voces gritando desde el interior de su coraza. Este sonido se disipa a unas pocas pulgadas del objeto. Periódicamente, SCP-497 se activará y su sonido se amplificará considerablemente por aproximadamente un minuto.
SCP-497 - Fundação SCP - Wikidot
Se SCP-497 materializar um corpo, a equipe médica deve avaliar a saúde do indivíduo e notificar a segurança. Se ainda for viável, o sujeito deve ser escoltado a uma enfermaria médica para ser tratado.