SCP-577 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Description: SCP-577 is an animated, levitating mass of ammunition of various calibers, that persistently spins in a spherical formation. Approximately 40% of the ammunition is 9mm; however, large quantities of 10mm and .45 ACP rounds have also been noted.
SCP-577 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-577是大量有生命、漂浮的各种口径弹药,持续旋转呈球状形态。 约40%的弹药为9mm;但也注意到有大量的10mm和.45 ACP子弹。 SCP-577内的子弹能脱离团集并以媲美标准手枪的速度射击。 已观察到团集偶尔形成可识别的形状和外观,通常是家畜的样貌。 SCP-577的总质量持续增加,每年约有一千个新弹药出现在团集。 SCP-577对所有基金会工作人员和有执法背景的D级特别具有攻击性。 团集的大量弹药会对这些人员射击,并导致人身伤害和偶尔的死亡。 …
SCP-577(旧) - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-577表现为一堆各种口径和组成的弹药,这些弹药在某种未知的、异常的力量影响下可以进行运动,并获得了中等程度的智力。 这种力量在来源上不是磁力亦非重力,并且似乎不受大部分自然力的影响。 每一个这些构成单元之中都有着潜在的无穷力量,但是在作为一个整体进行移动的时候不会溢出。 SCP-577表现出了倾向于对其他有感知的生物进行粗糙的外形模仿,通常是一只中等大小的猫科动物。 当自己独处时,SCP-577更喜欢以不定型的状态存在,直到它相信自 …
scp-577-炮弹猫 - 哔哩哔哩
描述:SCP-577表现为一堆各种口径和组成的弹药,这些弹药在某种未知的、异常的力量影响下可以进行运动,并获得了中等程度的智力。 这种力量在来源上不是磁力亦非重力,并且似乎不受大部分自然力的影响。 每一个这些构成单元之中都有着潜在的无穷力量,但是在作为一个整体进行移动的时候不会溢出。 577表现出了倾向于对其他有感知的生物进行粗糙的外形模仿,通常是一只中等大小的猫科动物。 当自己独处时,577更喜欢以不定型的状态存在,直到它相信自己正在被看 …
SCP-577 - Bullet Cat (SCP Animation) - YouTube
SCP-577 is an animated, levitating mass of ammunition of various calibers, that persistently spins in a spherical formation. Bullets within SCP577 are capable of leaving the mass and firing at...
SCP-577 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
2012年8月24日 · Description: SCP-577 is a collection of seven sheets of printer paper for the Lexmark X1150 (now discontinued) in use in the 5th Documents block at the time of discovery. SCP-577 contains notes in plain English and is signed and dated twice: on Page 1, 04-17-19 , and the same day and month on Page 7, 04-17-20 by Dr. .
SCP-577 - Active Duty: Site-47
Description: SCP-577 appears to be a mass of ammunition of various caliber and composition, which moves under an unknown, autonomous force possessing moderate sentience. This force is not magnetic or gravitational in origin, and seems to be unaffected by most natural forces.
2020年6月2日 · SCP-577远古收容设施最底下的一层一块3MX3M的花岗岩石块,重量高达八万公斤,SCP-5刻满了未知的符号,似乎在压制什么东西。 不过我们翻译了文献,文献的意思就是别移动石头,否则大家都要完蛋。
577 - SCP Foundation
SCP-577's primary anomalous property is the time it takes to repair itself after sustaining damage. Upon first inspection, SCP-577's core demonstrated only minor wear and tear and was able to repair itself within 4 hours after sustaining severe damage.
SCP-577 | All Alone in the Moonlight (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP-577 is an animated, levitating mass of ammunition of various calibers, that persistently spins in a spherical formation. Approximately 40% of the ammunition is 9mm; however, large quantities...