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SCR-X - Ducati eMobility
The Ducati Scrambler SCR-X folding electric bike is ideal for urban travel. It is equipped with 20″ urban tires, a front suspension fork and a practical rear luggage rack that can support up to 25 kg. The large front light, inspired by the iconic headlight of the Ducati Scrambler motorcycle, allows for a wider view in the night hours.
短路比 - 百度百科
短路比(SCR)是指表征系统短路容量除以设备容量,所以当短路比大,指这个设备是接到一个强的系统中,表明设备的投切对系统影响不是很大。 而短路容量在单位电压情况下数值上就等于系统导纳值,即为系统戴维南等值 阻抗 的倒数。 短路容量越大,系统戴维南等效电阻越小,负荷、 并联电容器 或电抗器的投切不会引起电压幅值大的变化,因此系统比较强。 通常将单馈入交直流系统中的交流系统用戴维南等值方法简化为一个 理想电压源 串联等值阻抗,以受端交流系统为 …
Grid Impedance Ratio and Short Circuit Ratio (SCR)
The strength of the power grid can be defined by the short circuit ratio (SCR) and grid impedance (or X/R) ratio. 1. Grid Impedance (X/R) Ratio. The grid impedance or X/R ratio is the ratio of equivalent inductive reactance (X S) to the equivalent resistance (R S) of the system. The X/R ratio indicates the characteristics of the power grid.
Meet The SCR-X And SCR-E GT, Scrambler Ducati’s New
2022年7月1日 · Scrambler Ducati-branded electric bikes in the form of the SCR-X and SCR-E GT have just been launched, and are expected to hit stores in mid July, 2022.
Ducati unveils two new folding electric bikes, expanding its e-bike ...
2022年7月10日 · The new SCR-X and SCR-E GT are both fat tire folding e-bikes that use a 60 Nm Bafang rear-mounted hub motor for power. The 48V system on both bikes is generally associated with higher power,...
仿真电网模拟器RL参数设置 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
X/R比率: 短路比 (SCR,short circuit ratio)是指表征系统短路容量/设备容量。 当短路比大,这个设备是接到一个强的系统中,表明设备的投切对系统影响不是很大。 短路容量在单位电压情况下数值上就等于系统导纳值,即为系统 戴维南等值阻抗 的倒数。
选择性催化还原法 - 百度百科
选择性催化还原法(Selective Catalytic Reduction,SCR)是指在催化剂的作用下,利用 还原剂 (如NH3、液氨、 尿素)来“有选择性”地与烟气中的NOx反应并生成无毒无污染的N2和H2O。 首先由美国的Engelhard公司发现并于1957年申请专利,后来日本在该国环保政策的驱动下,成功研制出了现今被广泛使用的V2O5/TiO2催化剂,并分别在1977年和1979年在燃油和 燃煤锅炉 上成功投入商业运用。 SCR技术对锅炉烟气NOx控制效果十分显著、技术较为成熟,已成为世界上 …
Selective catalytic reduction - Wikipedia
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) means converting nitrogen oxides, also referred to as NO x with the aid of a catalyst into diatomic nitrogen (N 2), and water (H 2 O). A reductant, typically anhydrous ammonia (NH 3), aqueous ammonia (NH 4 OH), or a urea (CO(NH 2) 2) solution, is added to a stream of flue or exhaust gas and is reacted onto a ...
血肌酐 - 百度百科
血肌酐(Serum creatinine, Scr),一般认为是内生血肌酐,内生肌酐则是人体肌肉代谢的产物。 在肌肉中,肌酸主要通过不可逆的非酶脱水反应缓缓地形成肌酐,再释放到血液中,随尿排泄。