Western Railroad Discussion > SD40-2 porches - Trainorders.com
The big porches are unique on the Dash 2. Pre-Dash 2(1972) SD40's had a little extra space but not a lot. Not sure about a bigger fuel tank on the Dash 2's but the HTC truck has a longer …
Eastern Railroad Discussion > SD40-3's vs SD40-2's
Generally, the difference is that the SD40-2 has a modular electrical system, while the SD40-3 has a microprocessor control system. The SD40-3's are rebuilds of other units, so the exact …
Model Railroading > Operating Ditch lights - Trainorders.com
I have added many sets of working ditch lights to locomotives, including the SD40-2, and it is not that difficult. I'm making the assumption that you are using DCC in the instructions below for …
Athearn SD40-2, extended range dynamic grid - Trainorders.com
If your prototype has Q-fans, then the proper Athearn dynamic brake section on your SD40-2 should have a silencer-style exhaust assembly on top. Also, the "blister" area around the …
Scale Trains SD40-2 Quick Review - Trainorders.com
ScaleTrains new SD40-2 models somehow found a way to my house yesterday and I thought I'd share my initial thoughts on these awesome models. I picked up a Burlington Northern model …
Who makes the best HO SD40-2 right now? - Trainorders.com
My personal preference is the Kato SD40-2 & SD38-2's. The Athearn models are better detailed at this point, but I am not happy with the 'leaning tree' issues they have with their handrails. …
LokSound V4 issue-Scaletrains SD40-2 - Trainorders.com
Hi everyone, I've got a Scaletrains NS Rivet Counter SD40-2 that features the factory equipped Loksound V4 sound decoder. I'm having problems with it running intermittently and the lights …
Nostalgia & History > Union Pacific's original SD40's
In looking at Don Strack\'s UP Locomotive roster site, all four of these SD40\'s were built in 1966. The 3055, 3028, and 3014 were ultimately sold and rebuilt to SD40-2 standards (with the 3014 …
Scale Trains SD40-2 and Function numbers - Trainorders.com
For the heck of it, I hit F18 on my older run V4 Loksound SD40-2 and got the same wretched noise for 'sanders'. The only difference is on the V5's ESU has made this F18 sander noise as …
How much did an SD40-2 cost in 1972??? - Trainorders.com
Don't know about the cost of an SD40-2 but I recall talking to a GE Rep. in Marion Ohio in March of 1975, he said the 3 new UP U30-C's that were ready to depart west that same day cost …