SDF-3 - Robotech Saga Wiki
The SDF-3 is the first known Space Fortress unable to change shape, apparently before or after its reconstruction. The SDF-3 was the second biggest warship built by mankind, second only …
Robotech / Roboverse / Character Bios / SDF-3
Designation: SDF-3 Class: Space Vessel Crew: 2500 crewmen, 3400 pilots and air group, 19600 troops and other personnel. Length: 1403m (main hull), 1721m (overall) Width: 330m (main …
SDF3 - Wikipedia
Spatial data file 3, a geodatabase file format; SDF-3 Pioneer, a fictional spacecraft from the animated series Robotech
SDF-3 - 百度百科
SDF-3(暗影堡垒III-先锋号) 是《太空堡垒》中 瑞克·卡特 将军指挥的旗舰。 乘员: 3800名工作人员 可容纳12万人。 由于太空堡垒远征军的开发及围绕其 第三次宇宙大战 末神秘失踪的谣 …
Robotech - SDF-3 "Pioneer" - Kent
The non-transformable SDF-3 is faster, more mobile, covered in a variety of deadly weapons (designed for close range and long range battle), and better designed for space travel. In …
ROBOTECH: Early REF Naval Vessels - Pioneer - ROBOTECH: …
The SDF-3 was capable of providing life support for almost a million humans for three weeks, though in crowded and unsanitary conditions. Length: 1403 m (main hull), 1721 m (over all). …
Robotech / Roboverse / Timeline
The main fleet of the Robotech Expeditionary Force returns to Earth. The fleet assembles at ALuCE, at the edge of the far side of the moon, and awaits the arrival of the flagship, the SDF …
SDF 3.0 官方文档 - 超级详细版本 - CSDN博客
2024年9月26日 · 本仓库提供了一份超级详细的 SDF(Simulation Description Format)3.0 版本的官方文档。该文档是学习和使用 SDF 3.0 的重要参考资料,内容详尽,涵盖了从基础概念到 …
再现轮回的终点?SDF-3回到过去成为SDF-1? - 搜狐
2019年3月18日 · 《太空堡垒》免费漫画日特刊公布4张预览图。原来十年前坠落于麦克罗斯岛的sdf-1是从未来穿越回来的sdf-3。作为太空堡垒远征军上将的老年瑞克·卡特、丽莎·海斯还有乔 …