c++ - SDL GUI Library? - Stack Overflow
2011年4月13日 · SDL GUI Library? Ask Question Asked 13 years, 11 months ago. Modified 13 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 15k ...
SDL :: View topic - List all GUI toolkits for SDL
2016年9月11日 · The SDL forums have moved to discourse.libsdl.org. This is just a read-only archive of the previous forums, to keep old links working.
SDL :: View topic - Which GUI to use with SDL2? - Simple …
It is the first immediate GUI made, as much as i know. imgui is much bigger and much more complex than kiss_sdl, and as i look at the examples, it is not for SDL2. kiss_sdl is much simpler and easier to use, also easily modifiable. I think this is what most beginners want, as a GUI widget toolkit is always difficult to learn, and starting from ...
SDL :: View topic - Using SDL with gui library - Simple DirectMedia …
SDL's strength has always been porting, and its weakness is the lack of decent GUI integration so I'm not sure why this topic isn't at least being looked into for future versions now that SDL2 is out.
SDL :: View topic - Guisan - C++ SDL2 toolkit - Simple DirectMedia …
2016年9月3日 · By somewhat looking at the code, it looked like it is some type of retained GUI, not a type of immediate GUI like my widget toolkit (kiss_sdl). It looks like that it has almost all the same widgets as my widget toolkit, i didn't see an entry box though.
How can I embed an SDL2 window in my Tkinter GUI application?
2019年1月28日 · In the main while loop, a call to the sdl_update() function checks for SDL events. That is followed by the root window (tkinter) update call. The Button we created has its command linked to draw() and when you click this button, a randomly colored line appears in the frame the SDL2 window is linked to.
How to set a GUI Button in the win32 window using SDL C++?
2016年8月25日 · It is trivial to replace rectangle with e.g. texture; adding text may be a bit harder, using SDL_ttf is probably simplest way to do it. It may be improved in many ways depending on what you wanted to get. E.g. it reacts on mouse button down, while in some cases you might want to react to button release, and track where it was pressed and released.
SDL :: View topic - SDL-gui-backend merged...
From the SDL point of view I can see a few alternatives: 1. Create a parent/root surface which may (e.g. in the case of GNOME) be created at 0,0 display co-ordinates. Then any new window created with SDL would create a transient surface relative to that root window and report co-ordinates as relative to the top left of the root window. 2.
SDL :: View topic - SDL-gui-backend merged... - Simple …
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:57:07 -0400 From: "Ryan C. Gordon" To: Subject: [SDL] SDL-gui-backend merged... Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed The first piece of my SDL-gui-backend experiment has been merged into the main SDL repository. I've been looking at what SDL needs to be useful as a backend for GUI ...
SDL GUI buttons: how to properly detect hover? - Stack Overflow
2013年11月22日 · It depends on what the shape of the buttons will be. Option 1. This is the simplest way. If your buttons are rectangular, and there are less than few hundred on the screen, you can use a simple rect collide function.