SDL2/SDL_SetWindowIcon - SDL2 Wiki
Set the icon for a window. Defined in SDL_video.h. the window to change. an SDL_Surface structure containing the icon for the window. This function is available since SDL 2.0.0. All wiki …
SDL3/SDL_SetWindowIcon - SDL Wiki
Set the icon for a window. the window to change. an SDL_Surface structure containing the icon for the window. (bool) Returns true on success or false on failure; call SDL_GetError () for more information.
Setting Window Icon SDL2 - Game Development Stack Exchange
2017年11月20日 · I've been playing around with SDL2 and have made a very nifty little program! Now, I'm trying to set my window icon - for the SDL Window. I have the following code in the main function of my program, right after SDL initialization stuff. SDL_Surface* icon = IMG_Load("assets/system/interface/icon.png"); SDL_SetWindowIcon(window, icon);
SDL2.0教程(?): 更改窗口图标 - 奶牛关
2019年3月31日 · 正文: (主要是因为没找到网上有关于SDL2.0窗口图标更改的资料) 函数: void SDL_SetWindowIcon(SDL_Window* window,SDL_Surface* icon); (SDL Wiki文档地址) 另外传递的第二个参数“icon”是个Surface*,习惯直接上Texture*的留意一下。
2017年11月19日 · 我一直在玩SDL2,并制作了一个非常精巧的小程序! 现在,我正在尝试设置我的窗口图标- SDL窗口。 我有以下的代码在我的程序的主要功能,就在SDL初始化的东西。 SDL_Surface* icon = IMG_Load ("assets/system/interface/icon.png"); SDL_SetWindowIcon (window, icon);然而,顶
How to integrate your SDL2 window icon (or any image) into your ...
2015年4月13日 · In this tutorial I’ll show how to translate the image into C source file containing a struct that holds the image data + necessary metadata (width, height, color depth) and how to load that struct into a SDL_Surface* and to set that surface as a window icon.
How do I set window titlebar icon and alt-tab icon in SDL2 / C++ ...
2013年10月11日 · You should be able to get a SDL_Surface from a .png file using: SDL_Surface *IMG_Load(const char *file) then pass it to your SDL_SetWindowIcon(SDL_Window* window, SDL_Surface* icon) method. I don't think the IMG_Load(...) method takes .ico files, but a 32x32 .png version of your icon should work.
SDL2 -没有使用SDL_SetWindowIcon ()的窗口图标 - 腾讯云
2017年10月6日 · 我目前正在开发一个在C++中使用SDL2的游戏,我想为任务栏和Alt切换器设置我的游戏图标。 我试图通过使用SDL_SetWindowIcon ()来实现这一点:SDL_Surface* icon = IMG_Load ("icon.png");SDL_SetWindowIcon (sdlWindow, icon);即使我的窗口已正确初始化且表面已加载,该图标也不会出现在 ...
如何给 SDL2/ C++ 中的.exe 提供一个图标 - gidsou.com
SDL2 的函数名为 SDL_ SetWindowIcon () , 但问题在于该函数仅在窗口应用程序中设置图标, 而不是在.exe 文件中设置图标, 这意味着当我把它插在我的任务栏中时, 我可以看到这一点 :我尝试过
SDL_SetWindowIcon - SDL Wiki'
// Using SDL2 to set a window icon #include "SDL.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ SDL_Event e; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); // Initialize SDL2 SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow( …
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