flibitijibibo/libSGE: SDL Graphics Extension library - GitHub
Intro SGE is an add-on graphics library for the Simple Direct Media Layer. SGE provides pixel operations, graphics primitives, FreeType rendering, rotation/scaling and much more. This is free software (LGPL), read LICENSE for details. SGE has the following parts: [sge_surface] Pixel operations, blitting and some pallete stuff.
hocman2/SGE-SimpleGameEngine: A C++ SDL 2D Game engine
It's a 2D game engine that uses SDL2 as a base. As it's name implies, it's a very simple game engine designed for quick prototype building. The engine's design is heavily inspired from Unity. Everything is an Object that is updated at every frame.
SDL2教程【一】环境搭建 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年2月9日 · SDL是Simple DirectMedia Layer的缩写,是一个跨平台的图形库,支持Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android等常见的平台,它底层使用OpenGL或Direct3D,支持硬件加速,常用于游戏开发,SDL是用C写的,可以用C++操作,也有C#和Python的绑定,它内置了键盘、鼠标、音视频的支持,自 ...
Source code library for my SDL2-based Game Engine (SGE for …
2022年12月4日 · Source code library for my SDL2-based Game Engine (SGE for short), inspired by Javidx9's Pixel Game Engine
SDL2基本使用 - CSDN博客
2025年1月21日 · 通过研究和使用sdl2的源代码,开发者不仅可以创建高效的游戏和多媒体应用,还能学习到跨平台编程、图形和音频处理等领域的知识。此外,由于sdl2是开源的,它也促进了社区的发展,提供了丰富的第三方模块和插件,...
Super Game Engine | Super Game Engine
SuperGameEngine (SGE) is a project by Scott Foster to explore programming in C++ by creating a 2D Engine in SDL2. This document is the engineering reference for this project containing the current coding standards and any documentation which …
Simple DirectMedia Layer - Homepage
Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D. It is used by video playback software, emulators, and popular games including Valve 's award winning catalog and many Humble Bundle games.
第三节:SDL扩展库 - 《SDL2中文教程》 - 极客文档
2023年7月21日 · IDE用户需要按前文中所说的,给连接器选项添加SDL_image。对那些使用G++的人来说,取决于你SDL2.0的库名,你可以添加比如-lSDL_image或者-lSDL2_image的链接选项。 我们还要把新东西,SDL_image和stdexcept,include进去.
SDL游戏引擎:一个高效、跨平台的开源2D游戏开发框架 - CSDN …
资源摘要信息:SDL Game Engine(SDL游戏引擎)是一个开源的平台独立2D游戏编程框架,它特别适合于C/C++程序员使用。 其核心设计目标是减少外部依赖、易于移植,并且提供一套简洁易用的API,以满足商业和独立游戏开发者的编程需求。
Ubuntu – Details of source package libsdl-sge in focal
libsdl-sge extension of graphic functions for SDL multimedia libraries libsdl-sge-dev extension of graphic functions for the SDL multimedia, development files. Other Packages Related to libsdl-sge. build-depends; build-depends-indep; adep: debhelper (>= …