Differences between $20 dongle vs airspy vs SDRplay
2018年8月28日 · Two of of the main benefits of an AirSpy vs a RTL-SDR dongle include sample depth/dynamic range (8 bits vs 12 bits) and viewable bandwidth (2.4MHz vs 10/6MHz). The SDR Play RSP adds 8 switched preselection filters. Some comparisons: HackRF One Review vs RTL-SDR vs SDRPlay Radio for Everyone: HackRF One Review vs RTL-SDR vs SDRPlay
SDR to monitor an 800mhz P-25 phase I & II system
2024年12月13日 · My advice - purchase a single RTS SDR dongle to start, get it working with DSD+ free version, then consider Fastlane. Then move on to SDRTrunk and additional receivers, or a more expensive receiver, once you're sure you're going to stick with it. Again, be warned that this isn't commercial software that's really user-friendly.
Change rtl sdr dongle serial numbers for (novice user)
2023年2月2日 · Is there an easy and simple way to change rtl sdr dongle serial numbers, for a novice user (70 years old) of SDRTrunk? I have 3 dongles with slightly different antennas for different frequency ranges and would like to know which dongle in the SDRTrunk tuner section is using which antenna. I...
Low noise SDR dongle - RadioReference.com Forums
6 天之前 · RTL-SDR ma tylko 8-bitowy ADC. Ogranicza to jego zakres dynamiki do około 50 dB. SDR z lepszym ADC będzie miał wyższy zakres dynamiki, aby obsłużyć silniejszy sygnał, utrzymując jednocześnie niższy poziom szumów.
SDR Sharp Dongle Troubleshooting - RadioReference.com Forums
2020年1月6日 · Stop the SDR# and click on the cogwheel in SDR# for the dongle setup. Look at the drop down list of the device. If you see no selections there you have to run zadig to create a driver. In the zadigs options you select to see all devices and if you have the SDR dongle connected you will see a RTL device. If not, then try another usb port.
SDR Dongle not working with unitrunker - RadioReference.com …
2025年1月9日 · Hello, I have a nooelec dongle and it is not working with unitrunker. I am running Windows 11 Pro and version for unitrunker. Installed Zadig 2.9 and installed the drivers, I have two bulk-in, Interface now. I have nothing on unitrunker under radios I …
Getting into SDR - RadioReference.com Forums
2025年2月5日 · Dsdplus can work with one dongle on any of the systems/sites you mention but your limited to receiving 1 tg at a time. Unitrunker (phase 1) and SDRTrunk (phase 1 & 2) (with enough dongle to cover the site) can can monitor multiple tg's simultaneously. Trunking Recorder or RDIO Scanner can record and do the playback.
RTL-SDR Windows 11 - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年2月15日 · So, do you have anything at all in your Device Manager with the dongle plugged in, like this: or this? I've found that if you use Zadig, hit Options and check List All Devices, and uncheck Ignore Hubs or Composite Devices, I have better luck getting some applications to play nicely and enumerate the device index correctly with software (like librtlsdr and RTL_FM) if you install the WinUSB ...
Random wire antenna with RTL-SDR (V4) - RadioReference.com …
2025年2月18日 · 2. SDR USB dongle 3. RG6 coax, or whatever you may already have. LMR240 or LMR400 is not necessary for RX on HF. Especially since it appears your coax run will not be that long. 4. Flamingo+ AM filter version 2 ( You probably have an AM broadcast tower or two somewhere nearby that needs to be filtered ) 5. 9:1 transformer 6.
Honest Discussion - ALL opinions/choices respected (SDR dongles
2022年4月10日 · My SDR dongle was like "radio crack", it sucked me back into the hobby and gave me many features for dirt cheap that appear on way more expensive radios, but the overall performance on my "bare bones" unit left me wanting.