Tagged: E4000 - RTL-SDR
The E4000 tuner was one of the original tuner chips used in RTL-SDR dongles when they were first discovered. Unfortunately Elonics, the company that owned the rights to the chip went under and the production of E4000 chips stopped, making them rare and expensive.
E4000/R820T+RTL2832、rtl-sdr电视棒系列; rtl-sdr即大名鼎鼎的电视棒。频率覆盖到1.7GHz左右,采样率和带宽最大约3.2MHz。电视棒由调谐器芯片(E4000或R820T,频率范围略有不同)和带有ADC、DVB-T解码器、USB的数字芯片RTL2832U构成(含8051单片机)。调谐器芯片又 …
sdr# (sdrsharp)安装中文教程(使用硬件为E4000+2832U
2012年11月30日 · 第一步,插入 rt2832u 电视棒,xp提示发现新硬件,是否自动安装驱动,选择否即可。 windows 7 提示发现新硬件,同时自动搜索驱动,点取消即可。 第二步,安装 Zadig 驱动。 在此下载 http://sourceforge.net/projects/libwdi/files/zadig/ xp 系统下载 zadig_xp_v2. ,其他版本下载 zadig_v2. 1. 运行zading,单击 options,选择 list all devices ,在下拉列表里选择 bulk-in,interface(interface0),绿色箭头右边默认 winusb ,然后单击 instatll …
Elusive E4000 RTL-SDR Dongles
2013年10月23日 · Measurements on RTL-SDR E4000 and R820T DVB-T Dongles: Image Rejection, Internal Signals, Sensitivity, Overload, 1dB Compression, Intermodulation ; Showing how the R820T stops receiving at 1.4 GHz+ with increasing temperature ; E4000 Gain Mod now Available on Windows ; Review of Various Lesser Known RTL-SDR Dongles
RTL-SDR E4000 Tuner Trick to Get AM Radio without Mods or …
2013年6月28日 · YouTube user Superphish has posted a video showing the trick mentioned in this Reddit thread by Anonofish that enables the E4000 tuner to receive a small portion of the broadcast AM band without doing the direct sampling solder mod, or using an upconverter.
关于 RTL-SDR | ReadWeb
RTL-SDR 是一个非常便宜的 ~$30 USB 接收器,可以用作基于计算机的无线电扫描仪,用于接收您所在地区的实时无线电信号(无需互联网)。 根据具体型号,它可以接收从 500 kHz 到 1.75 GHz 的频率。 大多数 RTL-SDR 的软件也是社区开发的,并且免费提供。 请注意,RTL-SDR 不能进行发射。 RTL-SDR 的起源源于基于 RTL2832U 芯片组的大规模生产的 DVB-T 电视调谐器 …
Nooelec - Nooelec NESDR SMArt XTR SDR - Premium RTL-SDR …
This premium RTL-SDR was designed, developed and fabricated by Nooelec in the USA and Canada in order to implement a wide array of feature requests. Compared to R820T-based devices, this E4000-based SDR excels at sensitivity at 500MHz and >1500MHz, and is capable of far higher frequencies, up to approximately 2350MHz.
SDR# Device E4000解决办法 | HAM小站
2020年3月4日 · SDR Software Download页面只提供X86版本下载,Win10 x64位系统运行SDR#,提示Device E4000,运行install-rtlsdr.bat,RelWithDebInfo.zip文件的下载链接已经失效,该文件又关闭了回显,从而导致你看不到这个错误,接着我又在官网仔细查找,也证实了链接不再有效,就随便找了个 ...
Amazon.com: E4000 Rtl-sdr
Works with Most SDRs Like HackRF & RTL-SDR (RTL2832U with E4000, FC0013 or R820T Tuners); MF/HF Converter with SMA Jacks. Only 7 left in stock - order soon. Nooelec NESDR Mini USB RTL-SDR & ADS-B Receiver Set, RTL2832U & R820T Tuner, MCX Input. Low-Cost Software Defined Radio Compatible with Many SDR Software Packages.
E4000 better than R820T2? : r/RTLSDR - Reddit
The E4000 can tune up to 2.3GHz while the R820T2 tops out at about 1.7GHz (and sometimes has trouble locking towards the top end of its range). However the E4000 has a tuning gap between about 1.1-1.2GHz so it isn't a good choice for ADS-B.
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