Farmhouse - Stardew Valley Wiki
1.6: Added four new home renovations: dining room, attic, expanded corner room, and cubby. Most renovations now cost money. Added the option to move the farmhouse.
How To Get The Attic, Cubby, Dining Room & Expanded Corner …
2024年3月19日 · Stardew Valley 1.6 has players covered with the new Attic expansion. Below are the steps required to obtain the Attic for your house: The upgrade to the Corner Room in Stardew Valley is perfect...
Attic For Farmhouse at Stardew Valley Nexus - Mods and …
2021年11月26日 · Adding a Decorable Attic to Farmhouse. Attic will get bigger at 1st and 2nd upgrade of farmhouse. The Attic can be decorate with Furniture , Wallpaper and Floor. "Default": " Default " Attic Will Available After FarmHouse First Upgrade. Add ExtraRoom for Attic. "Ladder_X": { 1. Download & install SMAPI. 2.
Aimon's Fancy Farmhouse - Nexus Mods
2022年11月9日 · Attic for farmhouse! (it gets bigger with every farmhouse upgrade) New custom Balcony location - smaller balcony for 1st farmhouse upgrade, bigger for 2nd; Plant crops and trees in the balcony - just dig the floor with your hoe! Change wallpapers and floor and also decoratable walls in the balcony!
Aimon's Tidy Cozy Farmhouse - Nexus Mods
2023年7月12日 · Changes your FarmHouse map into small and cozy place towards more realistic layout with attic, balcony and rooftop.
Guide :: Every House Upgrade And Renovation - Steam Community
2023年12月20日 · Here's every Stardew Valley house upgrade and renovation and how to obtain them. The initial layout of your farmhouse and the furniture it starts with are determined by which farm layout you choose.
Decorate With Me! New Attic, Dining Room, And More! - YouTube
2024年3月21日 · 👕 MERCH ☕https://make-way-for-cat.printify.me😺 FOLLOW ME 😻Discord: https://discord.gg/Ffn96bs85pTwitter: https://twitter.com/MakeWayForGames🪙 SUPPORT ...
Switch [BUG] Can’t Build Corner Room - Stardew Valley Forums
2021年3月12日 · When I try to build a corner room it wont allow me and it just says “Remove all items from the renovation area.” I’ve removed a lot of furniture from the room but it’s still not good enough. The only thing I could think may be the cause is that I used to have a lot of slimes in the kids room and a least one of them went out of bounds.
r/StardewHomeDesign - Reddit
r/StardewHomeDesign: One of the fun parts of Stardew Valley is putting those personal touches on your farm. This is a place to discuss and share the…
IDEA: An attic? : r/StardewValley - Reddit
2016年5月28日 · When you right click it, it would say "500 wood required to repair." Then you can right click it with 500 wood in your hand, and you would get a ladder up to your attic. There would be missing floorboards where you can't place anything, …