DM3 - sE Electronics
The DM3’s all-metal design, high-quality manufacturing standards, robust construction, and gold-plated XLR connector provide a roadworthy design and reliable loss-free signal in an exceptionally compact form factor. The DM3 connects directly to interfaces, mixers, stage boxes, or any standard XLR input with no extra cable needed.
Introducing The DM3 – A beast of a DI - sE Electronics
2022年10月18日 · sE Electronics introduces the DM3, an Ultra-HiZ and impressively compact active inline direct box! Based on the well-established DYNAMITE technology used in the DM1 and DM2 – the DM3 reinvents the active inline DI to a new silent standard.
sE Electronics DM3 Dynamite Active Direct Box - Sweetwater
sE Electronics DM3 Dynamite Active Direct Box Features: Active inline direct box; Ultra-high Z input preserves the character of your instrument; Easily handles powerful signals up to 10,000W; Selectable -15dB and -30dB pads handle hot sources with ease; 3-stage ground lift switch decimates hum, ground loops, and RF interference
SE Electronics DM3 Dynamite Active Inline DI with Ultra-HiZ Input, …
SE Electronics DM3 Dynamite Active Inline DI with Ultra-HiZ Input, Gold XLR Connectors, and Slim, All-Metal Discrete Housing
- 4.3/5(2)
sE 新品发布:DM 家族新成员 DI中的「野兽派」DM3 重磅登场
2022年11月1日 · DM3的 Ultra-HiZ 输入 和 专用的 A 类输出缓冲放大器 以完美的细节表现保留了 乐器的独特声音特性 。非常适合从复古电吉他/贝斯拾音器到压电式原声乐器和高输出声源(如键盘、合成器、电子鼓和笔记本电脑)等各种音源的应用。
SE Electronics DM3-BLK-DI Dynamite Active DI, Black - amazon.com
2023年11月15日 · The DM3 is an active inline DI with Ultra-HiZ input and an impressively compact design - built to stay by your side, so you always get the best out of your instruments! Based on the well-established DYNAMITE technology used in the DM1 and DM2 - the DM3 reinvents the active inline DI to a new silent standard.
sE Electronics - DM3 Black - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
DM3 黑色版是吉他手、钢琴家和各种 DI 应用的完美伴侣, 即使在最艰难的环境中也能表现出色。 最新的 DM3 黑色版可以消失在舞台环境中,让您在舞台上大放异彩。 DM3 黑色版有源直插式 DI 具有 1/4 英寸超高频输入,具有独特的 "on+" 设置,可 有效减少不必要的嗡嗡声、嘶嘶声和不良射频干扰噪音。 DM3 黑色版是您在任何环境下都能获得绝佳音质和舞台表现力的秘密“武器”。 DM Black 系列的建议零售价与 DM 系列的一致,即 DM1 Black 人民币 649 元,DM2 Black 人民币 …
SE Electronics DM3 – Thomann United States
It works great for passive pickup guitars, it also provides a variety of options. It is easy to operate, it is built like a tank and provides a clearer signal than the instrument input in an interface (at least on the Focusrite and UA Volt). At this price point, I am not sure if I can ask for anything else.
sE Electronics - DM3 - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
基于DM1 和 DM2 中成熟应用的 DYNAMITE 技术 - DM3 为有源内嵌式 DI 重新定义了新的静音标准。 DM3的 Ultra-HiZ 输入 和 专用的 A 类输出缓冲放大器 以完美的细节表现保留了 乐器的独特声音特性。 非常适合从复古电吉他/贝斯拾音器到压电式原声乐器和高输出声源(如键盘、合成器、电子鼓和笔记本电脑)等各种音源的应用。 得益于其 巨大的动态余量 和可切换的衰减水平,DM3 可以处理 10,000 瓦固态功率 放大器的“咆哮”输出。 它的三档可悬浮接地开关具有独特 …
sE Electronics DM3 Dynamite In-Line Active DI (Tiger Stripe)
Styled in a distinctive orange and black tiger-stripe graphic, the DM3 Dynamite In-Line Active DI from sE Electronics is an impressively compact, active DI with an ultra-Hi-Z input and massive headroom for connecting electric guitars, bass guitars, piezo pickup instruments, keyboards, synths, drum machines, laptops, and even vintage microphones ...