Se tu m'ami (Parisotti, Alessandro) - IMSLP
Authorship Note Parisotti attributed this song to Pergolesi, but owing to the fact that no early manuscripts have been located, it is now believed that Parisotti composed the piece himself.
Alessandro Parisotti - Se tu m'ami, se sospiri (English translation #2)
2021年9月3日 · Alessandro Parisotti - Se tu m'ami, se sospiri lyrics (Italian) + English translation: If you love me, if you sigh / for me, gentle shepherd, / your pai
“Se tu, m’ami” - singerstickynotes
2014年9月28日 · "Se tu, m'ami" lyrics, translation, pronunciation guide, and representative performances, all from YouTube, of this gem of the 24 Italian Songs and Arias.
【佩尔戈莱西艺术歌曲】假如你爱我 Se tu m'ami (安吉拉·乔治乌)_ …
【佩尔戈莱西艺术歌曲】假如你爱我 Se tu m'ami (安吉拉·乔治乌)
Alessandro Parisotti – Se tu m'ami Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
Se tu m'ami Lyrics: Se tu m'ami, se tu sospiri / Sol per me, gentil pastor / Ho dolor dei tuoi martiri / Ho diletto del tuo amor / Ma se pensi che soletto / Io ti debba riamar /...
[意]Se tu m'ami (如果你爱我)_外国曲谱_中国曲谱网
2015年6月2日 · 《 [意]Se tu m'ami》曲谱 作曲:佩尔戈莱西;来源:《中国曲谱网》;上传:秋叶起舞;上传日期:2015-06-02;
Cecilia Bartoli - "Se tu m'ami" - YouTube
Cecilia Bartoli sings "Se tu m'ami"composed by PergolesiGyorgy Fischer - Piano
Canzonetta | Se tu m'ami | Se tu m'ami, se sospiri | LiederNet
Se tu m'ami, se sospiri Sol per me, gentil Pastor; [Ho] 1 dolor de' tuoi martiri, [Ho] 1 diletto del [tuo] 2 amor. Ma se [pensi] 3 che soletto Io ti debba riamar; Pastorello, sei soggetto …
Cecilia Bartoli - Se tu m' ami Lyrics | Lyrics.com
Se tu m' ami Lyrics by Cecilia Bartoli from the Cecilia Bartoli: A Portrait album- including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Se tu m'ami, se sospiri Sol per me, gentil pastor …
Alessandro Parisotti - Se tu m'ami, se sospiri lyrics
Alessandro Parisotti Se tu m'ami, se sospiri lyrics: Se tu m'ami, se tu sospiri / Sol per me, gentil pastor, / Ho dolor de' t...