Sedco Rigs a blank slate - Kongsberg Maritime
Deepwater drilling takes place far from the coast in water depths of more than 4,500 ft. Semisubmersibles, such as Transocean's Sedco 700 series, are fitted with large, buoyant pontoon structures below the water surface and columns passing through the water surface supporting the platform deck at a significant height above the sea surface.
Transocean Sedco Forex Inc. -- Company History
Transocean Sedco Forex Inc. is the world's largest offshore drilling company and the fourth largest oilfield service company overall. Officially a Cayman Islands corporation, it operates out of Houston, Texas, with more than 16,000 employees located around the globe.
Sedco 700 Rig owned by Transocean Inc. - Subsea
2020年1月18日 · The Sedco 700 drilling rig is owned by Transocean Inc. which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the Sedco 700. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Earl & Wright/Sedco 700 Series and built by Levingston Shipbuilding at the …
7000: The Sedco 7000 Nurse Call System is an advanced system built around the power of modern computer and integrated circuit technology. Full details from KEYPORT. Supplied and supported in New Zealand by:
Nurse Call & Elderly Care - Amentco
Amentco can provide support with installation, service and maintenance of any system in the Sedco product suite – Sedco 6000, Sedco 7000, MCV5, Sedcare and Trinity. Amentco supply, install and commission full site wide nurse call system solutions into …
The deepwater floater Sedco 702 is classified as held for sale. The rig will be recycled in an environmentally responsible manner. The report can be accessed on the company’s website: www.deepwater.com. About Transocean
Ship SEDCO 700 (Drilling Rig) Registered in - MarineTraffic
Get the details of the current Voyage of SEDCO 700 including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 8755106, MMSI -8755106, Call sign
Sedco - Austco Healthcare - Nurse Call Systems and Healthcare ...
Get support for your Sedco system. SEDCO was established in 1969 and have many installations still in use. For service, replacement parts, or system upgrades, please contact us and we will advise which of our nationwide partners can assist.
Saipem 7000 - Ships and Oil
Sometimes we think that semi-submersibles drilling vessels are quite big things, but they are nothing compared to the heavy lift vessels, and this one the Saipem 7000 is said to be the second largest in the world. The two cranes combined can lift 14,000 tons, making it possible to lift most platform topsides into position in a single lift.
Liuhua 11-1 FPS Dry-dock Upgrade and Life Extension - OnePetro
2013年5月6日 · The Liuhua 11–1 FPS is a converted SEDCO 700 series semi-submersible mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) buit in 1970's. It was converted to a floating production unit and installed in the Liuhua 11–1 field in 1995.