Bureau of Delinquent Revenue Payment - Treasurer & Tax Collector
The Bureau of Delinquent Revenue (BDR) is the official collection agency for the City and County of San Francisco and is authorized to collect delinquent and outstanding payments and accounts receivable that exceed $300 and are at least 90 days overdue.
出生及死亡登記 - 入境事務處
sf/bdr/19: 翻查領養紀錄/領養登記紀錄記項的核證副本申請書: bdr 100: 各生死登記處所提供的各項服務收費表
出生及死亡登记 - 入境事务处
sf/bdr/19: 翻查领养纪录/领养登记纪录记项的核证副本申请书: bdr 100: 各生死登记处所提供的各项服务收费表
遗体出入口服务须知(一) - Food and Environmental Hygiene ...
2023年2月8日 · 申请人可在柜台索取及填写申请表格 [SF/BDR/3],并提供离世者的个人资料、拟把遗体移离香港的时间及移往地点等资料。 申请人必须出示遗体拟移往当地坟场的准许下葬文件及遗体入境文件正副本。 须自行联络本港持牌殓葬商或殡仪馆办理运送遗体事宜。 获得批核及办理入境手续后,申请人须自行联络本港持牌殓葬商或殡仪馆办理运送遗体事宜。
5. 遺體/骨殖/骨灰出入境 – DearPet
申請人可在櫃台索取及填寫申請表格 [SF/BDR/3],並提供離世者的個人資料、擬把遺體移離香港的時間及移往地點等資料。 申請人必須出示遺體擬移往當地墳場的准許下葬文件及遺體入境文件正副本。 若把遺體運往內地: — 申請人須帶備離世者的回鄉證、身份證和“死亡登記證明書” [表格 12]等文件,根據內地民政部規定聯絡中國殯葬協會國際運屍網絡服務中心辦理所需手續(詳情請瀏覽中華人民共和國民政部網站: https://www.mca.gov.cn);及. — 須自行聯絡本港持牌殮葬 …
San Francisco Online Bill Payment - Treasurer & Tax Collector
The Bureau of Delinquent Revenue (BDR) is a section of the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector and is the official collection agency for the City and County of San Francisco. Use this site to pay your outstanding obligations as described in the letter you have received.
Notes on Import and Export of Human Remains (1)
2023年2月8日 · The applicant can obtain the application form [SF/BDR/3] from the counter and complete it by providing the information required, such as the personal particulars of the deceased, the proposed time for exporting the dead body out of Hong Kong and the destination.
Hong Kong funeral service
An application form (SF/BDR/3) should be completed by giving information such as the deceased's personal particulars, when and where the deceased's body will be removed from Hong Kong, etc. In some cases, evidence of permission granted to import the dead body into a foreign country may be required before the permit for removal of the dead body ...
Births and Deaths Registration | Immigration Department - 入境事 …
SF/BDR/15: Statement of Self-delivery of Birth At Home: Deaths Registration. Form Numbers Form Title; BDR 41: Application for Search of Record of Death in Hong Kong: BDR 62: Application for a Certified Copy of an Entry in the Deaths Register: BDR 100: Fee Leaflet for Fees Charged for the Births and Deaths Registration Services :
A. 遺體出入境 - Farewell 香港殯儀網
申請人可在櫃台索取及填寫申請表格 [SF/BDR/3],並提供離世者的個人資料、擬把遺體移離香港的時間及移往地點等資料。 申請人必須出示遺體擬移往當地墳場的准許下葬文件及遺體入境文件正副本。 — 須自行聯絡本港持牌殮葬商或殯儀館辦理運送遺體事宜。 — 獲得批核及辦理入境手續後,申請人須自行聯絡本港持牌殮葬商或殯儀館辦理運送遺體事宜。 須先在當地領取死因醫學證明書、遺體防腐證明書及辦妥出境手續。 若遺體由內地運返香港,內地政府機關會要求申請人帶 …
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