The SF72 dew-point transmitter is a compact sensor designed for use in industrial dryer applications at the key -50...+10 °Cdp (-58...+50 °F) measuring points: where response speed, reliability, and long-term stability of data within a control process is critical.
SF72 露点变送器是一种紧凑型传感器,设计在工业干燥机应用中测量 -50至+10°Cdp的点(露点量程-80~+20°C可选),其中控制过程中的响应速度、可靠性和长期数据稳定性十分关键。 变送器的额定压力为450 巴,通过经过10 年验证的不锈钢壳体和玻璃金属密封件确保工艺气体的安全。 SF72具备三种可供选择的行业标准试样块连接形式,具有形式、配合和功能方面的优点。 我们的聚合物传感器在高流量可溯源校准系统进行校准,可提供OEM数量的设备。 密析尔仪表保留不断改进的权利, …
The SF72 dew-point transmitter is a compact sensor designed for use in industrial dryer applications at the key –50 to +10°Cdp measuring points, where response speed, reliability and long term stability of data within a control process is critical. 10-year field-proven stainless steel body and glass-to-metal seal.
Rail Dew-Point Transmitter | Michell SF72 Rail | PST
A cost-effective moisture transmitter designed to continuously monitor the performance of the compressed air dryers on railway rolling stock to ensure the safety and efficiency of braking and other systems.
The SF72 dew-point transmitter is a continuous on line 4-20mA transmitter for the measurement of moisture content in air and other non-corrosive gases. The key features are: • Compatible with Compressed Air Quality ISO8573.1 class 2 to 6 requirements • Dew-point measurement range -60 to +60ºCdp (-76 to +140ºFdp) • Fast response
View and Download Michell Instruments SF72 user manual online. Dew-Point Transmitter. SF72 transmitter pdf manual download.
MICHELL(英国)SF72-TX露点仪_报价/价格/性能参数/图, 英国_生 …
2023年2月27日 · SF72 露点变送器是一种紧凑型传感器,设计在工业 干燥机应用中测量 -50至+10°Cdp的点 (露点量程-80~+20℃可选),其中控制过程中的响 应速度、可靠性和长期数据稳定性十分关键。
SF72米歇尔露点仪_报价/价格/性能参数/图, 米歇尔MICHELL_生物 …
2022年12月2日 · SF72米歇尔露点仪,测量范围 (dp)精度 (dp) ± 2°C露点可重复性 ± 0.2°C露点长期稳定性 少于 1% 每年相对参考条件校准 可追溯 8-点校准证书–60 到 +60°C 露点(露点量程-80~+20℃可选)4–20 mA
产地:英国,是否进口:否,订货号:SF72,加工定制:是,货号:45632145889651,品牌:密析尔,型号:SF72,类型:在线露点变送器,测量范围:-60-60,测量精度:2,测量对象:气体,温度范围:-40-60(℃),分辨率:0.01,尺寸:132*27(mm),电压:24(v),电源:220,是否跨境出口 ...
Michell Instruments SF72 Rail Moisture Transmitter
The Michell Instruments SF72 rail moisture transmitter is a cost-effective moisture transmitter designed to continuously monitor the performance of the compressed air dryers on railway rolling stock to ensure both safety and efficiency of braking and other systems.