SH2-79 (Sharpless 79)
SH2-79 (Sharpless 79) Sh2-79 is one of the larger nebula in Aquila and has some nice structure that picks up very well when using the hydrogen-alpha filter. The wide field RGB filters do not do anywhere as well so you need a lot of exposure to pick up good color for the HA-RGB image.
Sh2-79 | Nebula in Aquila | GO ASTRONOMY
Sharpless Sh2-79. Sharpless Sh2-79 is an emission nebula located in the constellation of Aquila. Sh2-79 is from the Sharpless Catalog, which contains 313 emission nebulae found in the northern hemisphere. Here are some key stats on Sh2-79:
Sh 2-79 - Galaxy Map
Avedisova combines Sh 2-79 and W51C in the star formation region SFR 48.96-0.55 along with four infrared sources.
Sharpless catalog - Wikipedia
The Sharpless catalog is a list of 313 H II regions (emission nebulae) intended to be comprehensive north of declination −27°. (It does include some nebulae south of that declination as well.)
シャープレスカタログ(Sh 2)の星雲 – Orio Blog
1953年に初版が、1959年に313個の星雲が記載された最終版第2版 (Sh 2)が出版されました。 シャープレスカタログは、1958年に完了したパロマー天文台のスカイサーベイプロジェクト (POSS)によって撮影された赤緯90度から-27度までの写真乾板を使用して作られました。 カタログは、パロマーの103a-O(青色)と、103a-E(赤色)の写真乾板を比較して、赤色の写真のみに写っている星雲状天体をHII領域の候補として抽出しました。 そのため、銀河と重なるHII …
心臟星雲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
心臟星雲,或稱為 心狀星雲 (英語: Heart Nebula),即 IC 1805 、 Sh2-190,是一個距離地球約7500光年,位於 銀河系 英仙臂 的星雲,在天球上位於 仙后座。 這個 發射星雲 內有熾熱的氣體和黑暗的塵埃帶。 該星雲是由氫離子和自由電子為主的 電漿 組成。 心臟星雲最明亮的部分(右方區域)另外編號為 NGC 896,因為該區域是心臟星雲最早被觀測到的部分。 心臟星雲的艷紅色和它的形狀是由星雲中心附近一小群恆星發射出的輻射而形成。 這個被稱為 Melotte 15 的疏散 …
Sh2 280 (Jerry Yesavage) - AstroBin
New data with traditional blue and gold processing. The HII region Sh 2-280 appears to be located near or at the edge of the Rosette molecular cloud. Avedisova suggests two possible ionising stars, the O7 HD 46573 and the B0 III giant HD 46847. A 1981 paper also states that the ionising star for this HII region is HD 46573.
Sh2-79 — Wikipédia
Sh2-79 est une grande nébuleuse en émission visible dans la constellation de l'Aigle. Elle est observée dans la partie nord de la constellation dans un tronçon de la Voie lactée fortement obscurci par la poussière interstellaire et par les bancs denses de gaz neutre connus dans cette section sous le nom de Rift de l'Aigle. Malgré sa ...
Running Man Nebula SH2-279 — No second fiddle to Orion
It's the Running Man nebula (SH2-279). Running Man is a part of the incredible Orion nebula group...the part that makes up the sword in the constellation Orion. It's right behind the more famous display, but no less interesting. The collection of nebulae are about 1500 light years away in our own Milky Way galaxy...which is considered pretty close.
Sh2-232 – Astro-Shed
Sh2-232 captured on 1-6-25. This is a faint HII region in the constellation of Auriga, which lies prominently in the northern sky. The brighter nebula in the vicinity offers a stunning contrast against the dark background of space, showcasing vivid colors produced by …