新晋诺奖得主Science:仿生SH2交叉偶联,构建sp3-季碳中心- X …
2021年11月18日 · David MacMillan教授课题组利用双分子均裂取代(SH2)机制实现了仿生sp3-sp3键交叉偶联,构建了一系列季碳sp3-碳中心。 机理研究证实了一级烷基-Fe (III)物种在偶联之前的中介作用,并为关键的季碳sp3-碳键形成步骤中的SH2取代途径提供了证据。
Kaman SH-2 Seasprite - Wikipedia
The Kaman SH-2 Seasprite is a ship-based helicopter originally developed and produced by American manufacturer Kaman Aircraft Corporation. It has been typically used as a compact and fast-moving rotorcraft for utility and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) missions.
JACS:镍催化双分子均裂取代 (SH2)交叉脱羧偶联 - 搜狐
2022年11月22日 · 近日,2021年化学诺奖得主、美国普林斯顿大学的David W. C. MacMillan教授课题组首次报道了一种基于双分子均裂取代 (SH 2)策略的光/镍协同催化自由基型交叉脱羧偶联反应,可用于由脂肪族羧酸出发构建有价值的C (sp3 )-C (sp3 )偶联产物。 详细的机理实验表明该反应涉及Ni (III)-烷基物种与烷基自由基间的SH 2过程。 此外,该反应还提供了一种高效构建大位阻季碳中心的通用策略,解决了经典偶联反应中长期存在的挑战。 图1. 光/镍催化双分子均裂取代 …
SuperH - Wikipedia
SuperH (or SH) is a 32-bit reduced instruction set computing (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by Hitachi and currently produced by Renesas. It is implemented by microcontrollers and microprocessors for embedded systems.
SH2 domain - Wikipedia
The SH2 (S rc H omology 2) domain is a structurally conserved protein domain contained within the Src oncoprotein [2] and in many other intracellular signal-transducing proteins. [3] SH2 domains bind to phosphorylated tyrosine residues on other proteins, modifying the function or activity of the SH2-containing protein.
Bimolecular Homolytic Substitution (SH2) at a Transition Metal
2024年8月8日 · In this review, we aim to highlight the latest breakthroughs and mechanistic insights into radical S H 2 reactions, focusing on the role of transition metal catalysts in facilitating these transformations.
<br>过渡金属处的双分子均解取代 (SH2),ChemCatChem - X-MOL
将 SH2 反应与过渡金属催化合并:我们重点介绍了过渡金属催化中双分子均解取代 (SH2) 反应的最新例子。 开壳平台已成为构建 C(sp3)−C(sp3) 和 C(sp3)-杂原子键的有吸引力的多功能平台。
Alcohol-alcohol cross-coupling enabled by SH2 radical sorting
2024年3月21日 · In this work, we report a nickel radical sorting–mediated cross-alcohol coupling wherein two alcohol fragments are deoxygenated and coupled in one reaction vessel, open to …
SH2: Self-Highlighted Hesitation Helps You Decode More Truthfully
2024年1月11日 · In this work, we propose an inference-time method, Self-Highlighted Hesitation (SH2), to help LLMs decode more truthfully. SH2 is based on a simple fact rooted in information theory that for an LLM, the tokens predicted with lower probabilities are prone to be more informative than others.
SH2db - a database for SH2 domain structures
SH2db is a convenient starting point for working with pre-aligned SH2 domain sequences and structures. You can Browse individual entries for proteins, specific structures and AlphaFold models, Search the database by sequence-specific criteria, and download any subset of structures as a Pymol session.