Atomic layer deposition of silicon-based dielectrics for …
2019年9月24日 · To enable the growth of these Si-based dielectric films, semiconductor manufacturers are transitioning from chemical vapor deposition to atomic layer deposition (ALD). Currently, SiO 2 films deposited using ALD are already being integrated into semiconductor device manufacturing.
The improvement of atomic layer deposited SiO2/4H-SiC …
2021年2月1日 · An alternative to the thermal oxidation of SiC is the deposition of SiO 2 via atomic layer deposition (ALD), which offers high conformity and fine control of the deposition process. By depositing the layer, the substrate consumption and the amount of carbon released from the substrate is minimised, and defect densities associated with trapped ...
Progresses in Synthesis and Application of SiC Films: From CVD to ALD …
2020年8月24日 · This review article focuses on the recent advances in the strategies for the CVD of SiC films, with a special emphasis on low-temperature processes, as well as ALD. In addition, we summarize the applications of CVD SiC films in MEMS/NEMS devices and prospects for advancement of the CVD SiC technology.
用于半导体制造的硅基电介质的原子层沉积:现状和未来展 …
2019年9月24日 · 在这篇重点综述中,作者研究了这三种硅基介电薄膜的热辅助 ALD 和等离子体辅助 ALD 的状态。 对于 SiO2 ALD,由于沉积高质量薄膜的低温工艺是已知的,因此作者主要关注使用氯硅烷和氨基硅烷前体识别表面反应机制,因为这为 SiNx 和 SiC 这两种材料的 ALD 提供了基础仍然存在重大处理挑战的系统。 作者利用对表面反应机制的理解,描述了 SiNx 和 SiC ALD 过程中加工挑战的根本原因,并提出了工艺改进的方法。 虽然文献中已经报道了热辅助SiNx ALD …
Effect of surface treatments on ALD Al2O3/4H-SiC metal–oxide ...
2021年2月18日 · Nitridation of the SiC surface followed by H 2 annealing prior to ALD was found to be the best 4H-SiC surface treatment resulting in MOSFETs with peak field-effect mobility of ∼52 cm 2 V –1 s −1 along with improvements in charge trapping and device stability. Results demonstrated here may overcome the channel mobility limitations in SiC ...
Understanding the Mechanism of SiC Plasma-Enhanced Chemical …
2018年4月10日 · Understanding the mechanism of SiC chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is an important step in investigating the routes toward future atomic layer deposition (ALD) of SiC. The energetics of various silicon and carbon precursors reacting with bare and H-terminated 3C-SiC (011) are analyzed using ab initio density functional theory (DFT).
AlN grown on SiC.12 Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is an advanced technique for accurate preparation of high-quality nanoscale thin lms. Based on self-limiting reactions and layer-by-layer growth mechanism, ALD is able to achieve atomically smooth surfaces, excellent conformity, low defect densities, and high uniformity
Interfacial modification mechanism of ALD-SiO2/4H-SiC ... - Springer
2022年12月1日 · Atomic layer deposition (ALD) can effectively suppress the carbon clusters generation at the SiO2/4H-SiC heterojunction interface and RTA in the synergistic N2/O2 can further reduce the interface states density, the near-interface-oxide-trap (NIOT) density and the leakage current.
SiC Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Publications - plasma-ald…
Your search for plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition publications discussing SiC films returned 2 record (s). If there are too many results, you may want to use the multi-factor search to narrow the results. A list of publications in the Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition database discussing SiC.
ald在sic上的运用 - 百度文库
ALD技术在SiC器件制备中发挥着关键作用,它能有效地提高SiC薄膜的密度、均匀性和电学性能。 1.预处理:采用化学气相沉积(CVD)或其他方法在SiC基板上制备一层均匀的SiC薄膜作为底层。 b.高均匀性:ALD技术在薄膜制备过程中具有优异的均匀性,有助于提高产品良品率。 c.优异的电学性能:ALD薄膜具有优异的电学性能,有助于提升SiC器件的性能。 a.工艺复杂性:ALD技术工艺较为复杂,对设备、材料和工艺参数要求较高。 b.设备成本:ALD设备成本较高,投资回报 …