SIRT6 Is Essential for Adipocyte Differentiation by Regulating …
Using an adipogenesis assay, we demonstrate that SIRT6 deficiency impairs adipogenesis and that SIRT6 is an essential factor for mitotic clonal expansion during adipogenesis by inhibiting the expression of KIF5C and enhancing CK2 activity.
CK2α/CSNK2A1 Phosphorylates SIRT6 and Is Involved in the ... - PubMed
This study demonstrates that CSNK2A1 and SIRT6 are indicators of poor prognosis for breast carcinomas and that CSNK2A1-mediated phosphorylation of SIRT6 might be involved in the progression of breast carcinoma.
CK2α/CSNK2A1 Phosphorylates SIRT6 and Is Involved in
2016年12月1日 · Knockdown of SIRT6 decreased the proliferation and invasiveness of cancer cells. Overexpression of SIRT6 increased proliferation, but mutation at the Ser338 phosphorylation site of SIRT6 inhibited the proliferation of MCF7 cells.
Sirt6 Deacetylase: A Potential Key Regulator in the Prevention of ...
2020年12月7日 · Sirt6 also regulates adipogenesis and thermogenesis, it is an essential factor in adipogenesis, by enhancing casein kinase 2 (CK2) activity (Chen et al., 2017; Kuang et al., 2017; Kuang et al., 2018). Similarly, expression of PGC-1α is a central regulator in thermogenesis.
Protein Kinase CK2, a Potential Therapeutic Target in Carcinoma ...
The Protein kinase CK2 (formerly known as casein kinase 2) is a highly conserved serine/ threonine kinase overexpressed in various human carcinomas and its high expression often correlates with poor prognosis. CK2 protein is localized in the nucleus of many tumor cells and correlates with clinical features in many cases.
Chen et al. demonstrate that SIRT6 is essential for adipogenesis by regulating mitotic clonal expansion. KIF5C is negatively regulated by SIRT6, and KIF5C is a negative regulator for adipogenesis by blocking CK2 a0 nuclear translocation and CK2 kinase activity. Preadipocytes initiate differentiation into adipocytes through a cascade of events.
SIRT6 通过调节有丝分裂克隆扩增对脂肪细胞分化至关重要。,Cell …
2017年3月28日 · SIRT6 是烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NAD)+ 依赖性蛋白脱乙酰酶的进化上保守的沉默调节蛋白家族的成员。 在这里,我们表明前脂肪细胞中的 SIRT6 缺乏会阻止它们的脂肪生成。 脂肪生成过程中的基因表达分析表明,属于驱动蛋白家族的 KIF5C 受 SIRT6 负调控。 此外,我们表明 KIF5C 通过与 CK2 的催化亚基 CK2α' 相互作用,是脂肪生成的负面因素。 这种相互作用阻断了 CK2α' 核易位和 CK2 激酶活性,并抑制脂肪生成过程中的有丝分裂克隆扩增。 这些发现揭 …
SIRT6, a Mammalian Deacylase with Multitasking Abilities
As a negative regulator of mitotic clonal expansion, KIF5C interacts with CK2a, a catalytic subunit of CK2, and blocks CK2 kinase activity . In this context, SIRT6 has been shown to negatively regulate KIF5c, in turn promoting mitotic clonal expansion during adipogenesis. ... Sirt6 deficiency in mouse bone marrow MSCs (bm-MSCs) results in poor ...
SIRT6 Is Essential for Adipocyte Differentiation by Regulating …
2017年3月28日 · Using an adipogenesis assay, we demonstrate that SIRT6 deficiency impairs adipogenesis and that SIRT6 is an essential factor for mitotic clonal expansion during adipogenesis by inhibiting the expression of KIF5C and enhancing CK2 activity.
CK2α/CSNK2A1 Induces Resistance to Doxorubicin through SIRT6 …
2021年7月13日 · Higher expression of CSNK2A1 and phosphorylated SIRT6 was associated with shorter survival in osteosarcoma patients. U2OS and KHOS/NP osteosarcoma cells with induced overexpression of CSNK2A1 were resistant to the cytotoxic effects of doxorubicin, and the knock-down of CSNK2A1 potentiated the cytotoxic effects of doxorubicin.