SJ T44 - Wikipedia
T44 is a Swedish diesel-electric locomotive built by Nydqvist & Holm (NOHAB) and Kalmar Verkstad (KVAB) in 123 units between 1968 and 1987. It was the successor of T43, and used both for hauling and shunting. It is the most common diesel locomotive in Sweden, with state-owned Green Cargo as the largest operator.
SJ diesellok litt T44 - Svensk MJ-Wiki
Mellan 1968 och 1987 tog SJ emot leveranser av ett nykonstruerat diesellok, 123 stycken littera T44. Loket är dieselelektriskt enligt General Motors system, med en dieselmotor av typ EMD 12-645E. Jämfört med föregångaren litt. T43 är T44 något starkare och förarmiljön är förbättrad.
Lokguide - Diesellok T44 - järnväg.net
Ett T44-lok, med numret 131, tillverkades 1989 som provlok till Israel Railways. Någon mer beställning blev det dock aldrig och loket blev därmed det sist tillverkade T44-loket. Det användes i Israel fram till 2019 då det såldes till BLS Rail.
SJ littera T44, SJ T44 lok - historia, data, skiss, bilder etc.
SJ littera T44. Längd: 15.4 meter. Vikt: 76 ton. Hastighet: 100 km/h. Antal: 123 st. Bilder, skiss, historisk information etc
loco-info.com - Swedish State Railways T44
From 1968 onwards, the SJ had the T44 built for light freight traffic, which has four axles and a central cab. The engine is an EMD 645 series two-stroke with twelve cylinders. With a production run of 123 in 21 years, it is the most numerous diesel locomotive that the SJ has ever purchased.
Sverige -> Diesellokomotiver -> T44 - Td: SJ - Green Cargo
2020年4月3日 · T44 er et svensk dieselelektrisk lokomotiv som ble bygget av NoHAB og KVAB mellom 1968 og 1987. Denne typen var etterfølgeren til T43 og blir brukt til trekkraft i godstog i både Sverige og Israel samt til skifting og terminalarbeid. T44 er det mest vanligste diesellokomotivet i Sverige, med statseide Green Cargo som største operatør.
SJ T44 - Wikiwand articles
T44 is a Swedish diesel-electric locomotive built by Nydqvist & Holm (NOHAB) and Kalmar Verkstad (KVAB) in 123 units between 1968 and 1987. It was the successor of T43, and used both for hauling and shunting. It is the most common diesel locomotive in Sweden, with state-owned Green Cargo as the largest operator.
SJ - NoHAB-GM pictures
The first NoHAB-GM series of the SJ: the T41 (earlier T4). Picture was taken on the locomotive-show at Hamar/Norway on 8th August 1999. The great sound of the loco will be available very soon! Also available in smaller size: 800x600, 58209 bytes. NEW! 1024x768, 98567 bytes. Two T44's in both old and new livery at Göteborg-haven on 28th June 2000.
Category : SJ T44 - Wikimedia
Media in category "SJ T44" The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.
SJ T44 Gargoyle - TrainStation Wiki
T44 is a Swedish diesel-electric locomotive built by Nyquist & Holm (NOHAB) and Kalmar Verkstad (KVAB) in 123 units between 1968 and 1987. It was the successor of T43, and used both for hauling and shunting. It is the most common diesel locomotive in Sweden, with state-owned Green Cargo as the largest operator.