SK.Gaming - 百度百科
SK(Schroet Kommando)【翻译:爆破突击队】是一家著名的电子竞技俱乐部,当然,让他声名远扬的则是他的CS瑞典分队。2012年7月27日,SK战队CS分队正式解散。在玩Quake死亡竞赛时,一位SK的发起者在捡起双管猎枪时经常会喊出“Schroet!
SK Gaming - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Jun 23, 2018 · SK Gaming is a German esports organization. Founded in 1997 under the name "Schroet Kommando" in Oberhausen, Germany, it has since then grown into one of the largest and most well-known eSports organizations in the world, and they are primarily known for their hugely successful Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive rosters.
SK Gaming - Wikipedia
SK Gaming is a professional esports organization based in Germany that has teams across the world competing in different titles. SK is particularly known for their success in Counter-Strike (CS) tournaments. SK's Brazilian CS team won the ESL One Cologne 2016 Major. SK currently has players and teams competing in League of Legends and Hearthstone.
SK team overview - HLTV.org
Jul 7, 2016 · Get the complete overview of SK's current lineup, upcoming matches, recent results and much more
有大佬详细的介绍一下VP和SK?vp和sk的历史,队员,还有什么 …
SK(Schroet Kommando)【翻译:爆破突击队】是一家著名的电子竞技俱乐部,当然,让他声名远扬的则是他的CS瑞典分队。2012年7月27日,SK战队CS分队正式解散。
【玩加】曾经年少爱追梦 从没有赞助到如今的王朝SK - 武库通行证 …
两届Major冠军SK,曾经的王者再次回到了巅峰。 在ECS S3线下总决赛,SK面对Astralis、FaZe、G2等强敌未尝一败,获得冠军。 巴西CS:GO开始为玩家耳闻要从KaBuM说起(Fallen早期从1.6转型CS:GO并未走出国门),Fallen更早的1.6时期的全能天才,转战CF、CSS等所在的 …
传奇冠军 SK暗示即将重返CS【CSGO】 - 哔哩哔哩
“当今的年轻人只想要做一件事:sk back to csgo” 这家德国俱乐部在前几日的推特中暗示了他们有可能时隔2年后重返CSGO,也许还会签下一个完全由巴西人组成的阵容。
Our Story - SK Gaming
SK Gaming becomes the first company to officially contract players, with its Swedish Counter-Strike squad. In the early 2000s, Warcraft III becomes another major game for the organisation that brings trophy after trophy in both individual and team tournaments.
战队 SK (SK Gaming) Counter Strike, 成员,奖项,比赛,数据统计
SK 成员 : coldzera, Stewie2K, boltz, fer, FalleN. • IS OPERATED BY GAMEAGEVENTURES LLP 80 Sidney Street, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 6HQ
Team SK (SK Gaming) CS:GO, roster, matches, statistics - ggScore
SK Roster: coldzera, Stewie2K, boltz, fer, FalleN. IS OPERATED BY GAMEAGEVENTURES LLP 80 Sidney Street, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 6HQ
- Some results have been removed