OSDU Data Platform - SLB
The OSDU Data Platform is leveraging deep domain and digital expertise from SLB. It is fit-for-purpose and a strong base from which to extract maximum value from subsurface data. Before the OSDU Data Platform became commercially available to the market on March 24, 2021, users of the Delfi platform could access OSDU Data Platform capabilities ...
The OSDU, or more precisely, the Open Group Open Subsurface Data UniverseTM Forum is a cross-industry collaboration, to develop a common, standards-based and open basis for an E&P data platform that will bring together exploration and development data. Its output is free code as well as data standards that operators or third parties can use.
Onboarding to OSDU - SLB
Consumption of data in domain applications is enabled by transforming the data to the OSDU data model, a common standard for interoperability between connected applications. The E&P data bridge provides transformations that standardize data to the OSDU data model and enable consumption through the open data contracts, APIs, and domain data ...
SLB, AWS and Shell Collaborate to Accelerate OSDU
LONDON, October 10, 2023 —SLB (NYSE: SLB), Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Shell Global Solutions Nederland BV (Shell) have signed a multi-year three-way collaboration agreement to deliver digital end-to-end workflows for Shell, using SLB …
SLB, AWS and Shell Collaborate to Accelerate OSDU® Data …
2023年10月10日 · SLB (NYSE: SLB), Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Shell Global Solutions Nederland BV (Shell) have signed a multi-year three-way collaboration agreement to deliver digital end-to-end workflows for Shell, using SLB subsurface solutions on AWS cloud infrastructure. The collaboration is intended to deliver high performance and cost efficient ...
The OSDU™ data platform: Why we built it - SLB
Listen again to the webcast discussing the historic industry collaboration to build a common shared data platform, presented by OSDU Management Committee Members, Johan Krebbers, from Shell and Stephen Whitley, from Schlumberger.
OSDU®:为什么,怎么做|首个开放数据平台Mercury(R3)将 …
2021年11月18日 · 2021年上半年,我们将基于osdu数据平台上的slb delfi增加对生产和设施的支持. 验证delfi数据平台范围完全覆盖运营商所需的上游生产和设施. 制订详尽的交付路线图和支持项目 osdu软件即服务. 交付一个便于中小型运营商采用的osdu平台
斯伦贝谢OSDU- OpenShift企业级数据管理解决方案开启油气勘探 …
OSDU (Open Subsurface Data Universe) ,是一个基于云技术的、通用的、标准的和开放的勘探开发生产的数据平台,即将勘探开发生产数据整合到一个数据平台。 所有的油田公司和第三方在这个共同的基础上建立数据生态,赋能新的 云原生 数据驱动应用无缝访问全部数据,并支持现有的应用及数据框架。 OSDU数据平台将涵盖多样化的能源数据类型,不仅包括石油天然气等传统能源,也包括风能、太阳能、氢能、地热能等新能源,以及与之相关的碳捕获、利用与封存、以及 …
Understanding the OSDU Opportunity - A Schlumberger Guide to the OSDU ...
Schlumberger and OSDU In August 2019, Schlumberger contributed the data ecosystem Openness developed for its DELFI cognitive E&P environment to the OSDU Forum Schlumberger is committed to openness. This represents a fundamental shift as open source code.
数据空间™ (OSDU) 是 The Open Group 旗下的一个论坛,旨在赋能新兴的云原生数据驱动型应用无缝访问所有地下和油井数据 ,并支持现有的应用和数据框架。 OSDU 解决方案的核心原则是将数据与应用相分离。