SLC6A4 Gene - GeneCards | SC6A4 Protein | SC6A4 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · SLC6A4 (Solute Carrier Family 6 Member 4) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with SLC6A4 include Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Anxiety. Among its related pathways are Transmission across Chemical …
Get to know a gene: SLC6A4 - GeneSight
2017年7月13日 · What is SLC6A4? The serotonin transporter, encoded by the SLC6A4 gene, is responsible for serotonin reuptake into the presynaptic neuron. While many antidepressants have some serotonin reuptake blocking activity, it is thought to be the major mechanism of action of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
Serotonin transporter - Wikipedia
The serotonin transporter (SERT or 5-HTT) also known as the sodium-dependent serotonin transporter and solute carrier family 6 member 4 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SLC6A4 gene. [5] SERT is a type of monoamine transporter protein that transports the neurotransmitter serotonin from the synaptic cleft back to the presynaptic ...
SLC6A4- 信号通路|蛋白抗体-华美生物
SLC6A4,即钠依赖性神经递质转运蛋白,别名5-羟色胺转运体(5-HTT)、SERT等。 SLC6A4是一种负责大脑中5-羟色胺(血清素)再摄取的跨膜蛋白,由人体细胞自身的基因编码。 它的作用机制主要是通过钠离子和氯离子的共运输,将5-羟色胺从突触间隙中移回神经元,终止其信号传导作用,从而调节情绪、睡眠、食欲等生理过程。 SLC6A4的信号通路涉及到5-羟色胺能神经系统,其活性受到多种因素的调控,包括细胞内外的离子浓度、神经递质浓度以及药物作用等。 …
The Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism (SLC6A4) and Risk …
The most investigated region of the SLC6A4 gene is the serotonin transporter gene promoter region (5-HTTLPR), located 1kb upstream of the SERT gene transcription initiation site. 5-HTTLPR has been the object of great attention due to a functional polymorphism comprised by a 44- base pair deletion /insertion in the 5’ regulatory region.
SLC6A4 solute carrier family 6 member 4 [ (human)]
We tested the hypothesis that gestational diabetes mellitus alters the DNA methylation pattern of the fetal serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4), and examined the functional relevance of DNA methylation for regulation of the SLC6A4 expression in the placenta.
Human serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) variants: their ... - PubMed
Recent major findings from studies of SLC6A4 and its corresponding protein, the serotonin (5-HT) transporter (SERT) in humans, rodents and non-human primates indicate that combinations of SLC6A4 non-coding 5', 3' UTRs and intronic regions plus coding variants acting together can change 5HT transport …
Identification and functional characterization of the extremely …
2021年2月11日 · The serotonin transporter (5-HTT) encoded by SLC6A4 is a key molecule that regulates serotonergic neurotransmission at the synaptic cleft, affecting emotions and stress...
溶质载体家族 6 成员 4(SLC6A4)基因 | MCE
该基因编码一种完整的膜蛋白,可将神经递质血清素从突触空间转运至突触前神经元。 编码的蛋白质终止血清素的作用,并以钠依赖性方式对其进行再循环。 这种蛋白质是精神运动兴奋剂的目标,例如苯丙胺和可卡因,并且是钠:神经递质协同转运体家族的成员。 该基因启动子中的重复长度多态性已被证明会影响血清素摄取率。 关于这种多态性可能对行为和抑郁症可能产生的影响 (如果有的话) ,文献中存在相互矛盾的结果。 [RefSeq 提供,2019 年 5 月]
SLC6A4 solute carrier family 6 member 4 [ Homo sapiens …
2025年2月8日 · Title: SLC6A4 gene variants moderate associations between childhood food insecurity and adolescent mental health. DNA methylation levels of the serotonin transporter gene are not associated with the outcome of highly standardized one …