Keep This SMR Chart Handy! Maintenance level and/ or maintenance activity authorized to remove/ replace the item. Maintenance level and/ or maintenance activity with capability to …
Source, Maintenance and Recoverability (SMR) Codes - DAU
Why Use SMR Codes? The SMR code provides maintenance activities with repair-level responsibilities, support method (such as procure, manufacture, etc.), and disposition instructions. Uniform SMR codes are used by all DoD Services and Participating Agencies (PA).
SMR Codes Give the Clues > Army Sustainment Command
2020年3月9日 · In the Army, SMR codes are explained in AR 700-82, Joint Regulation Governing the Use and Application of Uniform Source Maintenance and Recoverability Codes (Aug 14). Now’s the perfect chance...
SMR - Military and Government - Acronym Finder
27 definitions of SMR. Definition of SMR in Military and Government. What does SMR stand for?
MilReg AR 700-82 Frequently Asked Questions
Army Regulation AR 700-82, in conjunction with SECNAVINST 4410.23A and AFMAN 21-106, establishes the policies and procedures for the use and application of Uniform Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability (SMR) codes, which are used to identify the standard level of maintenance authorized for military equipment and the source for obtaining the ...
The SMR code assigned to each item of supply is a record of a technical decision reflecting adequate considera-tion of the cost, design, manufacture, application, maintenance, and supply...
The SMR code assigned to each item of supply is a record of a technical decision reflecting adequate consideration of the cost, design, manufacture, application, maintenance, and supply practices...
This introduction provides a general explanation of all maintenance and repair functions authorized at various maintenance levels under the standard Army Maintenance System concept.
This regulation establishes uniform source maintenance and recoverability (SMR) codes for all Department of Defense (DOD) Services/participating agencies (PAs) and prescribes policy and...
The Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability (SMR) code is a 5-position code containing supply/requisitioning information, maintenance category authorization criteria, and disposition instruction, as shown in the following breakout: