Route outgoing SMTP relay messages through Google
You can add, edit, and delete the SMTP relay service setting at the top-level organization only. You can view the setting at the child organizational unit level. Scroll to SMTP relay service and click Configure. If the setting is already configured, click Edit or Add another. Enter a name for the setting and set up the following options:
透過 Google 轉送 SMTP 轉發服務的外寄郵件
在「Relay Host for Outbound Messages」中輸入 smtp-relay.gmail.com。 依序按一下「Apply」(套用) 「OK」(確定) 。 如果您在「允許的寄件者」部分選取「不限位址」 選項,並透過其他公司所擁有的網域傳送郵件;或者,如果您傳送不含「寄件者」地址的郵件,例如退件通知或 ...
Uitgaande SMTP-relayberichten routeren via Google
Verzendlimieten voor SMTP-relay en Gmail-gebruikers. Er gelden andere verzendlimieten per gebruiker voor e-mails gestuurd met Gmail in plaats van via de SMTP-relay. De verzendlimieten voor SMTP-relay en Gmail-gebruikers zijn niet aan elkaar verbonden en worden apart van elkaar geteld. Denial of Service-limieten (DoS)
Google을 통해 발신 SMTP 릴레이 메일 라우팅하기 - Google …
SMTP/MIME 설정 페이지가 기본 페이지가 아닌 경우 SMTP/MIME 탭 Settings(설정)를 클릭합니다. Groupwise 서버가 안전하게 지원하는 최대 동시 연결 수로 SMTP 전송 스레드 수를 설정합니다. Relay Host for Outbound Messages(발신 메일용 릴레이 …
Send email from a printer, scanner, or app - Google Help
Option 1: Send email with SMTP relay (recommended) We recommend using the SMTP relay service to send email from devices or apps. The SMTP relay service authenticates messages with IP addresses, so devices and apps can send messages to anyone inside or outside of your organization. This option is the most secure. Considerations
通过 Google 递送外发的 SMTP 中继邮件
对于 smtp-relay.gmail.com,每次 SMTP 事务处理最多可有 100 个收件人。超出此限制会收到错误消息。如需向其他收件人发送邮件,请启动其他事务(新的 SMTP 连接或 RSET 命令)。 系统会根据 SMTP 中继事务处理期间使用的发件人地址来统计邮件数量。
Mengarahkan pesan relai SMTP keluar melalui Google
Klik tab Router/SMTP. Untuk Relai host untuk pesan yang keluar dari domain internet lokal, masukkan smtp-relay.gmail.com. Klik tab Pembatasan dan Kontrol tab Transfer Kontrol. Untuk Interval Percobaan Ulang Transfer Awal, masukkan nilai satu menit atau lebih. Klik Simpan & …
Rotear mensagens de redirecionamento SMTP de saída pelo Google
Clique na guia Roteador/SMTP. Em Redirecionar host para mensagens que saem do domínio da Internet local, digite smtp-relay.gmail.com. Clique na guia Restrições e controles guia Controles de transferência. Em Intervalo de nova tentativa de transferência inicial, insira o valor de um minuto ou mais. Clique em Salvar e fechar.
Giden SMTP geçişi iletilerini Google üzerinden yönlendirme
Router/SMTP (Yönlendirici/SMTP) sekmesini tıklayın. Relay host for messages leaving the local internet domain (Yerel internet alanından çıkan iletiler için geçiş ana makinesi) için smtp-relay.gmail.com adresini girin. Restrictions and Controls (Kısıtlamalar ve Denetimler) Transfer Controls (Aktarım Denetimleri) sekmesini tıklayın.
SMTP relay service error messages - Google Workspace Admin Help
See SMTP Relay service setting for SMTP relay sending limits, or contact your administrator for additional help. Your message has too many recipients There is a 100-recipient limit per SMTP transaction for smtp-relay.gmail.com.