Structure and еlectrocatalytic ability of Sn–Ni alloy powders …
2021年4月15日 · Sn–Ni alloy powders with various compositions are prepared by electrodeposition. Three current modes, including pulse potential mode, are applied and compared. Morphology changes from dendritic to cauliflower-like with an increase of Ni content. The powders show excellent electrocatalytic behaviors in a Metal-Air system.
High-Energy Sn–Ni and Sn–Air Aqueous Batteries via Stannite-Ion ...
2023年5月2日 · As a proof of concept, we developed new high-energy Sn-based ABs, including 1.45 V Sn–Ni with 314 W h kg –1 (58 kW kg –1 and over 15,000 cycles) and 1.0 V Sn–air with 420 W h kg –1 (lifespan over 1900 h), on the basis of masses from cathode and anode active materials. The findings prove the feasibility of the alkaline Sn metal anode ...
Electroless Sn–Ni alloy plating with high Sn content free of …
2009年5月27日 · Electroless plating technique was used to coat Sn–Ni alloy on copper substrate with high Sn content by adding the amounts of thiourea as special complexing agent and sodium hypophosphite as reducing agent to an acidic electroless plating bath of SnCl 2 and NiCl 2, which avoided activation pretreatment in plating process.
Formation Mechanism of high Ni content (Cu, Ni)6Sn5 in Cu/Sn/Ni ...
Due to its low cost, the Cu/Sn/Ni microbump is the most widely used structure in electronic packaging. Recent studies have characterized the evolution of the microstructure and phase formation in this system, and a unique (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 phase …
双金属 (Sn/Ni)掺杂多孔硅微球的液相合成与电化学储锂性能
本文报道了一种低成本、简单高效的溶液沉积制备双金属 (Sn/Ni)掺杂多孔硅微球 (pSi@SnNi)的方法。 SnO 32- /Ni 2+ 离子通过Si溶解产生的电子被还原为Sn/Ni,通过将Sn/Ni沉积、掺杂到pSi中获得pSi@SnNi复合材料。 研究发现,含有适量金属掺杂元素的pSi@SnNi复合材料显示了良好的电化学储锂性能,其储锂性能与组成、微观结构之间存在内在关系。 1. 实验部分. 所用化学品均为分析纯。 用盐酸蚀刻法制备:将1.0 g SiAl合金粉末 (12% Si,约325目,Alfa Aesar公司)均匀分 …
Sn‐based Intermetallic Compounds for Li‐ion Batteries: Structures ...
2018年10月29日 · Investigations have expanded from pure Sn to Sn-M intermetallic compound such as Cu-Sn, Co-Sn, Ni-Sn, and Fe-Sn. These Sn-M intermetallic compounds have become the candidate anode materials for next-generation LIBs.
Ni-Sn (Nickel-Tin) | Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion
2008年4月29日 · Partial Ni-Sn phase diagram showing details of three low-temperature modifications of Ni 3 Sn 2
Microstructure and properties of electroless Ni…
2025年3月11日 · The Ni–P layer evolution is divided into two stages: Ni–P → Ni 3 P + Ni and Ni 3 P + Sn → Ni–Sn–P, and the cold end structure evolves faster than the hot end. After 60 h under the ...
Sn–Ni - ACS Publications
2018年10月31日 · The improved activity of Sn–Ni 3 S 2 /NF activity for water-splitting is attributed to the doping of Sn, which enhanced the intrinsic activity of Sn–Ni 3 S 2 /NF for OWS. This article not only provides a new efficient and stable catalyst for OWS, but also proposes an interface design principle for NF-based high-performance water-splitting ...
Sn-Ni合金及其复合镀层的研究 - 豆丁网
2020年2月1日 · 最后,本文研究了Sn-Ni/氟化石墨烯复合镀层的耐腐蚀性,主要讨论了氟化 石墨烯浓度的改变对复合镀层性能的影响。 实验结果表明:当氟化石墨烯的浓度