锑(Antimony),第五周期第ⅤA族元素, 类金属元素 [1],元素号为Sb,原子序数为51, 相对原子质量 为121.76。 锑是一种银白色、易碎、易熔的结晶固体,导电性和导热性较差,加热时会 升华 [2]。 锑在室温条件下与氧气不发生氧化反应,强热则燃烧形成白色的锑氧化物。 不溶于水、盐酸、碱液,溶于王水及热的浓硫酸 [3],熔点为630.5°C,沸点为1635°C, 相对密度 (水=1)为6.68,锑的原子直径(戈尔德施密特数据)为3.228Å [4],电负性为2.05 [5]。 锑不是生命的 …
锑 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
銻 ( tī ) [3] [4] (英語: Antimony ),是一種化學元素,其化學符號为Sb(源于拉丁語: Stibium ),原子序數为51,原子量為 121.760 u 。 銻是有金属光泽的 类金属 ,在自然界主要存在于 硫化物矿物 辉锑矿 (Sb 2 S 3 )中。
Sn-Sb compounds with novel structure for stable potassium storage
2020年9月1日 · The Sn-Sb with a layer structure significantly alleviates the structural damage and material pulverization caused by volume expansion during the reaction of potassium ions with metal atoms in the form of insertions, improving the cycling stability of PIBs.
sn-sb基钎料合金熔体结构状态对凝固和润湿性的影响 (1) - 豆丁网
2014年11月6日 · Sn-5Sb-xBi合金(Bi质量分数分别为0、1%、3%和5%)为研究对象,探索熔体 结构状态对合金凝固组织、钎焊接头剪切强度和润湿性的影响,同时考察Bi元 素的添加量对Sn-Sb5钎料组织和钎焊性能的影响。
元素周期表 - Ptable
对没有稳定同位素的元素,其同位素中半衰期最长的重量以括号标示。 交互式的周期表在动态的布局里展现名字,电子,曲线,轨道,同位素,搜索.全面的描述.
New Insights into Phase Equilibria of the Sb-Sn System
2021年1月3日 · Phase equilibria have been investigated by DSC measurements combined with a thorough optical and electronic microscopy examination with a special attention to the SbSn-Sb 3 Sn 4 phase transformation. Both DSC and metallographic …
Thermodynamic reassessment of the Sb-Sn and In-Sb-Sn systems
2019年3月5日 · In our work, the phase diagram of the Sb-Sn system was reassessed with taking into account the existence of both Sb 2 Sn 3 and Sb 3 Sn 4 compounds. After this, the thermodynamic models for the ternary liquid phase and solid solutions (SbSn) and (Sb 2 Sn 3) were developed based on the experimental data available in the literature. Thereafter ...
Comparison of Sn‐5Sb and Sn‐10Sb Alloys in Tensile and Fatigue ...
In addition, in Sn-Sb alloys with high concentration of Sb, mechanical strength is improved by solid-solution of Sb in β-Sn matrix and dispersion of SbSn compounds . The aim of this study is to compare tensile and low cycle fatigue properties of the Sn-5Sb (mass%) and Sn-10Sb (mass%) alloys using miniature size specimens, which have ...
Understanding the Mechanism of Enhanced Cycling Stability in Sn–Sb …
2019年6月7日 · In this work, two approaches were taken to investigate the importance of β-SnSb formation on the cycling stability of Sn-rich Sn–Sb composite sodium-ion battery (SIB) anodes. First, to tease out the role of each component, thin layers of amorphous silicon, with thicknesses ranging from 0.5 to 10 nm, were incorporated between Sn and Sb layers ...