The VeriFinder SN11-N is a compact, lightweight, ergonomically balanced handheld radio-isotope identification device (RIID) with patented and field-proven Discovery Technology®. It provides simple color-coded isotope classification alongside high accuracy radiation detection and isotope identification where similar instruments struggle.
Handheld radio-isotope identification device - Verifinder
Versatile Performance: Ideally suited for secondary inspections & emergency situations. Solves Detection Challenges: Simultaneous & accurate identification of multiple detected isotopes. User-Friendly Design: A fast, precise, robust, & easy to operate system. Dependable: Ensures reliability with its continuous calibration & health monitoring.
identifier (RIID) from Symetrica, built with Discovery Technology®, the market leading technology for handheld identifiers. The VeriFinder uses identification capabilities that have been selected by the US Government for Border Protection and Coast Guard missions based on ID performance, ease of use, and the
VeriFinder - LAURUS Systems
The VeriFinder is the latest handheld radio-isotope identifier (RIID) from Symetrica, built with Discovery Technology®, the market leading technology for handheld identifiers.
Verifinder Fast, Accurate & Rugged Handheld Riid With Class …
The VeriFinder is easy to use handheld radio-isotope identification device (RIID). The VeriFinder uses patented, field-proven Discovery Technology® that provides easy to use, accurate, radiation detection and identification for Cargo Inspection, Homeland Security and Emergency use.
Radioisotope Identification Devices (RIIDs) are instruments that are designed to determine the identity of radioactive materials by measuring the energy of the emitted gamma rays. Law enforcement, customs, and other personnel are being equipped with RIIDs as part of a national strategy to interdict illicit movement of radioactive material.
Radionuclide identification device - Wikipedia
A radionuclide identification device (RID or RIID) is a small, lightweight, portable gamma-ray spectrometer used for the detection and identification of radioactive substances. [1]
Handheld radiation detector - Professional Security
2016年2月9日 · Built around Symetrica’s proprietary Discovery Technology, the VeriFinder radio-isotope identifier (RIID) supports simultaneous identification of multiple isotopes in 30 seconds or less – exceeding the performance requirements of the ANSI N42.34 standard for handheld identification equipment, the firm says.
Handheld Radiation Isotope Identifier | Berkeley Nucleonics
Our groundbreaking Radiation Isotope Identifier (called a RIID by Dept of Homeland Security) offers a suite of features to address a growing range of applications. From the technical needs of a health physicist to a food and drug inspector to a first responder in a HAZMAT suit, the SAM 940 Defender and Revealer will excite your field users.
However, new technologies have resulted in availability of portable gamma spectroscopy systems known as RIIDs that can be used by emergency responders in the field. Spectroscopic analysis relies on measuring characteristic gamma ray energies emitted by radioactive elements.