Railway maps - SNCF Group
2024年3月15日 · Experience the power of the French rail network. Find leading sites among the 1,600 major projects we work on each year. Explore all the European freight corridors that run through France. Explore SNCF Réseau maps to learn more about what we do and how the French rail system works.
SNCF - Wikipedia
Its functions include operation of railway services for passengers and freight (through its subsidiaries SNCF Voyageurs and Rail Logistics Europe), as well as maintenance and signalling of rail infrastructure (SNCF Réseau). The railway network consists of about 35,000 km (22,000 mi) of route, of which 2,600 km (1,600 mi) are high-speed lines ...
SNCF Réseau - SNCF Group
2024年3月18日 · Step up the pace of network upgrades to make our infrastructure resilient, improve on-time performance, handle more trains, and meet the highest safety standards. Develop a network that meets local needs for movement of people and goods, including Metropolitan Regional Express Service (SERM) for cities, major new line construction, and small ...
SNCF Connect : Book your train tickets to France and Europe
Book your train tickets to France and Europe at the best price and plan your route on SNCF Connect: TGV INOUI, Eurostar, Ouigo, TGV Lyria...
SNCF Group companies
2024年3月18日 · providing access to France’s rail network infrastructure, including allocating capacity and setting infrastructure fees; managing network traffic; maintaining and renovating infrastructure; expanding and developing the network, with an …
Carte interactive du réseau ferré national | SNCF Réseau
2024年2月19日 · Consultez la carte dynamique du réseau ferré national qui vous permet d'effectuer plusieurs zooms progressifs.
Ouvrir la voie de la mobilité durable | SNCF Réseau
Au service de ses clients, des territoires, de l’humain et de l’environnement, SNCF Réseau a élaboré au fil du temps la vision d’un transport ferroviaire ouvert à tous, tourné vers un avenir durable. Sa stratégie repose sur six grands engagements, mis en pratique partout en France.
【法國火車攻略】2025訂票教學/便宜高鐵票/國鐵列車種類/實際搭 …
2025 Network Statement - Version 1 of 07 December 2023 SNCF RÉSEAU Page | 2 VERSION CONTROL The different versions of this document and their publication dates are given below: Version 0 of 01 September 2023 (draft subject to consultation) Version 1 of 07 December 2023 (definitive publication) The modifications are listed in Appendix 1.1.
TGV: book your TGV tickets on SNCF Connect
In France and Europe, SNCF Voyageurs operates two types of TGV trains: the TGV INOUI, which offers a higher level of comfort, and the low-cost option, OUIGO. TGVs can take you to more than 200 cities all over France and Europe. Other TGVs can also transport you from France to more than 30 European cities!