SOHO Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) - NASA
At the end of 2010 July, SOHO's Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) completed fourteen and a half years of synoptic observations of the low corona. SDO AIA images at much higher resolution and time cadence are now available for all the EIT wavebands, and three other EUV wavelengths as well.
Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope - Wikipedia
The Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) is an instrument on the SOHO spacecraft used to obtain high-resolution images of the solar corona in the ultraviolet range.
SOHO/EIT resources - NASA
This page provides an overview of many online information resources relevant to the analysis of data from the SOHO/EIT instrument. Still can't analyse SOHO/EIT data?
SOHO EIT synoptic GIF images - NASA
Latest EIT full-field images. Starting 2010 August 1, EIT is obtaining only two sets of images in these four wavelengths per day. The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) obtains EUV images of the Sun every 12 seconds, and links to those images (updated every half hour) can be found at the SDAC latest images page.
NASA - NSSDCA - Experiment - Details
2025年1月21日 · EIT will also provide images to support the planning of detailed spectroscopic investigations by the CDS and SUMER spectrometers on SOHO. EIT observations will be made in four narrow spectral bands, centered at 17.1 nm (Fe IX), 19.5 nm (Fe XII), 28.4 nm (FE XV), and 30.4 nm (He II) representing restricted temperature domains within a wide ...
EIT: Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope for the SOHO mission
The Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) will provide wide-field images of the corona and transition region on the solar disc and up to 1.5 R⊙ above the solar limb. Its normal incidence multilayer-coated optics will select spectral emission lines from Fe IX (171 Å), Fe XII (195 Å), Fe XV (284 Å), and He II (304 Å) to provide ...
EIT SOHO Workshop Talk - umbra.gsfc.nasa.gov
Using either full-disk or subfield images, the EIT can image active regions, filaments and prominences, coronal holes, coronal "bright points," polar plumes, and a variety of other solar features. The instrument was designed to be used in conjunction with other SOHO instruments, particularly the LASCO visible-light coronagraphs and the SUMER ...
NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
SOHO/EIT's highest resolution is 1024x1024 pixels with images taken about every 12 minutes for the 195 Ångstrom band. The SDO/AIA 193 band takes images at 4096x4096 pixels every twelve seconds! In this movie we can see the difference this makes for …
SOHO-Gallery: Best Of SOHO - soho.nascom.nasa.gov
2020年7月27日 · A time series of SOHO-EIT images showing the development of a huge, eruptive prominence on 1997 August 27. The images were obtained with EIT's unique, normal-incidence, multilayer-coated telescope in the resonance line of singly ionized helium (He II) at 304 Angstroms in the extreme ultraviolet.
ESA Science & Technology - A change of pace for EIT, the ground ...
Of the suite of instruments on board, the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) is probably SOHO's most popular workhorse, having taken over 500 000 snapshots of the Sun. A European-led instrument, EIT was realised by a consortium of …