GeoEel Solid LH-16™ Digital Streamer - Geometrics
Built on our experience and success with the popular GeoEel Solid digital streamer, the LH-16 ultra-high resolution streamer (UHR) expands horizons with up to 16 kHz sampling rate combined with sub meter group intervals for a solid design capable …
rom Geometrics. Built on our experience and success with the popular GeoEelTM digital streamer, the GeoEel Solid combines superior electronics with a patented solid active section design that delivers higher-quality data t. ign available. At only 44.5 mm, the GeoEel Solid is easy to deploy, easy to transport and easily.
Geometrics GeoEel Multi-Channel Streamer | U.S. Geological Survey
2021年4月15日 · PCMSC's Geometrics GeoEel Multichannel Streamer sits on the deck of R/V Bold Horizon. The Geometrics GeoEel is a solid, multichannel digital streamer system. The system consists of a streamer power supply unit, analog to digital converters (one for each section of hydrophones), and streamer hydrophone sections.
GeoEel Solid™ Digital Streamer - Geometrics
Introducing the ultimate in marine seismic fidelity: the GeoEel Solid™ Digital Streamer from Geometrics. Superior electronics with a solid active section design that delivers higher-quality data than ever before.
热交联型磺化聚砜离子交换膜的制备 - 道客巴巴
采用具有良好机械性能的聚乙烯醇(PVA)作为交联剂,与商业化的高磺化度的磺化聚砜(SPSU)在高温下进行热交联反应,控制不同的SPSU/PVA质量比,均得到了吸水率与溶胀度大大减小的明显结果。 并且经高温热交联后,明显提高了膜的机械性能和热稳定性能,显示交联膜具有良好的工业化应用前...
高分辨率、低失真IP64标准耐环境镜头(焦距16mm) - CA-LH16P
2016年4月8日 · 出货时镜头上安装OPEN 专用光圈,使用时请根据需要更换成随附的光圈 (F4/8/16)。 以OPEN 使用光圈时,请直接使用,不要拆下 OPEN 专用光圈。 *2 表示最大兼 …
配件 - Nanoscience - 牛津仪器
L16HCPU 三菱PLC iQ-L系列160K步型CPU模块
2020年3月6日 · 公司主营三菱原装PLC、伺服、触摸屏,三菱新款iQ-L系列CPU模块L04HCPU、L08HCPU、L16HCPU价格优惠,有专业的技术团队,提供自动化编程、承接各类自动化工程项目,欢迎来电咨询!
磺化PSU / PPSU聚醚砜的多嵌段共聚物作为质子交换膜燃料电池的 …
由聚砜(psu)和聚苯砜(ppsu)聚(醚砜)链段(spsu / sppsu)组成的磺化多嵌段共聚物是通过在商业单体的“一锅两步合成”中进行缩聚反应而首次合成的。与三甲基甲磺酸氯磺酸酯(tmscs)进行磺化反应。
SPSU - Sir Padampat Singhania University - Udaipur, Rajasthan
SPSU has been ranked as the No. 1 university in the Mewar region. It is ranked 4th in Rajasthan and 23rd in India by EW Ranking 2022. SPSU has been awarded Diamond Band Rating with A+ Grade in the OBE World rankings 2022. SPSU offers 6 specializations across the School of Engineering and Management, in partnership with leading corporates.