SR-3 Vikhr - Wikipedia
The SR-3 Vikhr (СР-3 Вихрь, Russian for "whirlwind") is a Russian 9×39mm compact assault rifle. It was developed by A. D. Borisov, V. N. Levchenko and A. Tyshlykov at TsNIITochMash (Central Institute for Precision Machine Building) in the early 1990s and was manufactured in …
SR-3M 9x39 compact assault rifle - Escape from Tarkov Wiki
The SR-3M 9x39 compact assault rifle (SR-3M) is an assault carbine in Escape from Tarkov. The SR-3M is a powerful assault rifle, featuring a very compact size comparable to submachine guns, but noticeably superior in terms of firepower due to the use of special armor-piercing ammunition.
SR-3 Vikhr: A specialized silenced assault rifle in 9x39mm caliber
2023年1月18日 · After introducing the SR-3 Vikhr, the FSB established new operational requirements to combine the best qualities of the SR-3, AS Val, and VSS Vintorez, resulting in the creation of a new variant known as the SR-3M (СР-3М). The Vikhr is a variation of the Val but without an integral silencer.
The 9x39mm SR-3 Vikhr: Russian Compact Assault Rifle Easily …
TsNIITochMash designed the 9×39 per Spetsnaz requirements issued from the Soviet Ministry of Defense in the prior decade. They produced a subsonic cartridge for special purpose weapons designed for intermediate range, with improved penetration …
SR-3 SR-3M Vikhr - Modern Firearms
The new SR-3M (Modified) compact assault rifle features more convenient fire controls and charging handle, integral forward grip (folding), and, most important, specially developed quick-detachable silencer (sound moderator) and a standard side rail for mounting day or night optics on the left side of the receiver.
SR3 Vikhr: Russian 9x39mm PDW - Forgotten Weapons
2024年9月2日 · The SR-3 Vikhr is mechanically based on the AS-VAL and VSS Vintorez rifles, but built to be a very compact personal defensive weapon instead of a silenced rifle. Still chambered for 9×39, the Vikhr is intended for roles like executive protection, where the priority is being compact and concealable.
三角洲S3唯一T0武器SR-3M最强改枪方案! - 哔哩哔哩
最强冲锋枪sr-3m性价比满改方案,焰火新赛季最强武器推荐这下新版本最强武器又变了,一起来看看有没有你在用的吧。 新版本这样玩直接爽到起飞最新改枪方案给兄弟们准备好了拿了就能 用不知道新版本怎么改枪,【三角洲行动】K416绝对是版本T0,稳的 ...
SR.3M - deagel.com
The SR-3, also known as Vikhr, is a 9x39mm assault rifle specially designed to neutralize manpower protected by body armor or light armored vehicles at ranges of up to 200 meters. For that purpose the SR-3 assault rifle fires subsonic SP-5 and SP-6 armor piercing ammunition.
The Best SR-3M Compact Build for Delta Force - zilliongamer
3 天之前 · Our SR-3M Compact is focused on making this SR-3M Compact become more deadly in the Close Range fights and also has ability to Aim-Duel in Mid Range Combat as well by improving a big Recoil Control stats, some Bullet Fire Accuracy & Stability stats to this gun.
SR-3M 短突擊步槍 - 《逃离塔科夫》官方 Wiki
SR-3M 短突擊步槍 是逃離塔科夫中的一款 突擊卡賓槍。 SR-3M是把威力強大的突擊步槍,其極緊湊的尺寸與衝鋒槍相近,但因為使用特殊穿甲彈藥而使其火力更加優越。SR-3M主要用途在於讓俄羅斯特種部隊有一款可隱匿攜帶的武器,由中央科學精密機械工程研究機構(TSNIITochMash) 根據AS VAL步槍設計生產而 ...