LR41 VS SR41 – What Is The Difference? - Battery Tools
Both the LR41 and SR41 batteries are of good quality and can be used interchangeably for most applications. However, the silver oxide in SR41 batteries has larger capacities and can give a somewhat longer lasting time, making it a better option for devices with higher power drains that require more voltage.
SR41 and LR41 Battery Equivalents and Replacements
What is an SR41 battery? The SR41 battery is a small round single cell 3-volt button-top alkaline battery. It’s a replacement for the carbon-zinc button cell of the 2% AA size. It has nearly twice the capacity of similarly sized zinc-carbon cells, enabling long life in devices that require exclusive use of alkaline batteries.
Amazon.com: Sr41 Battery
Energizer 392 / 384 (192, SR41SW, SR41W) Silver Oxide Watch Battery. On Tear Strip.
SR41とLR41は体温計に互換性はある?SR41WとSR41SWは?電池交 …
2020年4月8日 · SR41は「酸化銀電池」と言う種類で優れた上位版で、LR41は普通の「アルカリ電池」で廉価版です。 単純にSR41の方が倍程度の蓄電容量があり、出力特性も優れていて電圧に安定があり、蓄電容量が少なくなっても電圧を一定に保ち、電圧自体もSR41は1.55v、LR41は1.5vと少し違いがあります。 平たく言えば、SR41のほうがより精密な機器に適している電池と言うこと。 指定がSR41の上位版をご指名なら、その機器は最低限上位版SR41の電池性能 …
SR41 Murata Electronics | 電池產品 | DigiKey
Murata Electronics 的 SR41 – 幣形、7.9mm 氧化銀 1.55 V 不可充電電池 (一次)。 DigiKey 提供數百萬款電子元件的價格及供貨情況。
Energizer 392/384 Multi-Drain Battery SR41 Replaces LR41, 5 Pack
2008年2月26日 · 1 LR44 batteries required. Multi-Drain is a new technology from Energizer, combining Low Drain (LD) and High Drain (HD) batteries of the same voltage into one battery. Features: Multi-Drain has a 4.5-5 year shelf life. 5.4 x 1.97 x 0.16 inches. 0.01 Kilograms. 5.5 x 2 x 0.5 inches. 4.54 g. Energizer. 392/384. Energizer. 392-384TS. 5 Pack.
- 评论数: 1281
2020年4月7日 · SR41とLR41の違いは、SR41は酸化銀電池で、LR41はアルカリ乾電池です。 最初のSやLは電池の種類で、Sが酸化銀電池、Lがアルカリ乾電池を意味しています。 Rは形状を表すところで、Rは円筒形(コイン型、ボタン型を含む)になります。 円形以外には、角型、平型等箱型を表すFがありますが、ボタン電池ならRですね。 数字の41はどちらも大きさの型番を表したもので、型番41という数字は、直径7.9mm、厚み3.6mmです。 SR41とLR41で形状と …
Consumer equipment: Products that can be used in consumer equipment such as home appliances, audio/visual equipment, communication equipment, information equipment, office equipment, and household robotics, and whose functions are not directly related to the protection of human life and property.
Energizer 392 / 384 (192, SR41SW, SR41W) Silver Oxide Watch Battery. On ...
2012年8月31日 · Energizer 392 / 384 (192, SR41SW, SR41W) Silver Oxide Watch Battery. On Tear Strip. High energy density has been achieved owing to the Energizer's original high-precision material-mixing technology. The use of antioxidant, high performance separators also contributes to improved storage characteristics. Excellent stable discharge characteristics.
- 评论数: 263
SR41 and LR41 Battery Alternatives: Exploring Your Options
2025年2月18日 · Silver oxide batteries (SR41) offer a more stable and longer-lasting power source, which is crucial for high-precision devices like watches or medical equipment. Alkaline batteries (LR41) tend to be less expensive and perform well for devices with lower power demands, such as toys and calculators.