This paper gives an overview of Superconducting RF photo injectors (SRF guns) and focuses on the present status of SRF gun development, the technical require-ments and the critical issues …
[2406.00659] High Performance Operation of a Direct-Current and ...
2024年6月2日 · Superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) guns are promising candidates to deliver high brightness continuous-wave (CW) electron beams for new generations of coherent linac …
Superconducting Radio Frequency Photo Electron Injector (SRF gun)
SRF guns represent a new step in the development of photoinjector technologies. By merging the well-established NCRF technology and superconductivity, the dissipated RF power is reduced …
Superconducting RF-guns (SRF-guns) are techni-cally superior to normal conducting devices because they dissipate orders of magnitude less power at very high gradients in the cw mode.
SRF guns at HZDR and BNL have achieved routine operation, and several new guns are under R&D at DESY, HZB, KEK, PKU and SLAC (Parameters overview in Table 2). Proper cathode …
Overview of CW electron guns and LCLS-II RF gun performance
2023年4月18日 · There are two main categories of SRF guns in use: one uses 1.3 GHz elliptical cells, for example, those developed by HZDR, HZB, KEK and DESY, while the other uses …
ELBE SRF Gun I - The world's first SRF gun injecting in to a LINAC ...
The SRF gun project at HZDR has two main goals: the installation of a high-brightness photo-injector for ELBE, and contributing to the SRF gun development as a promising future …
Design and comparison of superconducting rf gun cavities and …
2019年9月21日 · Designs and simulations of 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and 1.8-cell SRF gun cavities are studied at a linear accelerator gun system and they are compared with each other. We obtain …
Summary 185 MHz SRF gun was start developing for LCLS-II HE LEI with collaboration of FRIB/ANL/HZDR/SLAC. Cavity was designed to achieve 30 MV/m on cathode to achieve 0.1 …
2023年12月7日 · Review of SRF gun cavities and cryomodules compiled and edited by Elmar Vogel for the "TTC community" TESLA Technology Collaboration (TTC) Meeting, Fermilab, …
High Performance Operation of a Direct-Current and …
Superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) guns are promising candidates to deliver high brightness continuous-wave (CW) electron beams for new generations of coherent linac light sources, …
Successful user operation of a superconducting radio-frequency ...
2021年3月4日 · The SRF gun at ELBE has the goal to generate short electron pulses with bunch charges of 200–300 pC at typical repetition rates of 100 kHz for the production of superradiant, …
A prototype SRF gun is currently being designed at FRIB, MSU for the Low Emittance Injector of the Linac Coherent Light Source high energy upgrade at SLAC. This employs a 185.7 MHz …
For more than a decade DESY, in collaboration with TJNAF, NCBJ, BNL, HZB and HZDR, has performed R&D to develop an all superconducting RF gun with a lead cathode. In the frame of …
A prototype gun is currently being designed and fab-ricated at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University. This paper presents performance goals for the new gun design, …
An ultrahigh-vacuum S-band photocathode radio-frequency electron gun ...
2023年6月1日 · Several types of electron guns, such DC, superconducting RF (SRF) and normal conducting very-high-frequency (NC VHF) RF guns, are capable of achieving ultrahigh …
DC-SRF photocathode gun - SciEngine
<p indent="0mm">The DC-SRF photocathode gun, an important member of superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) guns, is a distinguished compact mega-electron-volt (MeV) electron …
[PDF] SRF Gun Development at DESY | Semantic Scholar
Various continuous-wave (CW) electron gun technologies are reviewed, including DC, superconducting radio frequency RF (SRF), hybrid DC-SRF and normal-conducting RF. Also, …
SRF-gun program at KEK is new. The goal is an injector of type 2 for the ERL facility which will operate with beams up to 100mA at 3GeV. A simplified prototype (only one FPC port, choke …
Performance of 112 MHz SRF Gun at BNL - OSTI.GOV
2019年8月17日 · A 112 MHz SRF electron photoinjector (gun) was developed at Brookhaven National Laboratory to produce high-brightness and high-bunch-charge bunches for the …