SJR : Scientific Journal Rankings - Scimago Journal & Country Rank
Scimago Journal & Country Rank provides scientific journal rankings based on research, innovation, and societal impact indicators.
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SCImago Journal Rank - Wikipedia
A journal's SJR indicator is a numeric value representing the average number of weighted citations received during a selected year per document published in that journal during the previous three years, as indexed by Scopus.Higher SJR indicator values are meant to indicate greater journal prestige.
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Social Responsibility Journal - Emerald Publishing
Further information. CiteScore is a simple way of measuring the citation impact of sources, such as journals. Calculating the CiteScore is based on the number of citations to documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, book chapters, and data papers) by a journal over four years, divided by the number of the same document types indexed in Scopus and published in those same …
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SRJ Japan | Samsung Research
2024年10月16日 · Samsung R&D Institute Japan (SRJ) was established in 1997 with only about 30 founder members. SRJ aims to become a “customer value creating R&D institute” that is able to accurately assess technological trends and customer demands to propose valuable technologies and solutions.
Samsung R&D Institute Japan
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Username SRJC Student ID (Example: 8XXXXXXXX) or Faculty/Staff Username (Example: jdoe)