R-17 VTO/SS-1e (Scud-D) - Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
The SS-1e Scud-D was developed by Makeyev OKB as an improved version on the previous generation of Scuds. Unlike the Scud-C, it can carry a nuclear payload as well as a …
飞毛腿导弹 - 百度百科
飞毛腿导弹(Scud)是一个已经被大众接受了的词汇,指苏联在冷战时期开发并被广泛出口的一系列的战术弹道导弹 。这个名称是从北约代号为SS-1飞毛腿得来的,是西方的情报局将飞毛腿 …
Scud missile - Wikipedia
The SS-1e Scud-D variant developed in the 1980s can deliver a terminally guided warhead capable of greater precision. [citation needed] All models are 11.35 m (37.2 ft) long (except …
飛毛腿飛彈 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
1980年代發展的飛毛腿-D(SS-1e)可以攜帶一個常規高爆彈頭,一個燃料空氣彈頭,40個反跑道子母彈或者100個5千克的人員殺傷性小炸彈。 所有型號都是11.25公尺長(除了飛毛腿 …
R-1 | 8A11 | SS-1a | Scunner - RussianSpaceWeb.com
German ballistic rocket A-4 acquired by the Russians at the end of the Second World War became a "blueprint" in development of the first Soviet large liquid-fueled missile.
几种波形护栏的常用代号 - 百家号
2023年3月30日 · RrF-SS-E1:现浇 F 型混凝土护栏,路侧 SS 级,埋置在土中; RrF-SB-E2:现浇 F 型混凝土护栏,路侧 SB 级,与下部构造物连接; AT1-2:外展圆头式路侧上游护栏端 …
I SS Panzer Corps - Wikipedia
The I SS Panzer Corps (German: I.SS-Panzerkorps) was a German armoured corps of the Waffen-SS. It saw action on both the Western and Eastern Fronts during World War II. The …
R-11 / SS-1B SCUD-B - Russian / Soviet Nuclear Forces
The SCUD-D SS-1e featured an improved guidance system, possibly incorporating active radar terminal homing, and a wider choice of warheads than its predecessors. This missile has a …
스커드 - 나무위키
2024年9月4日 · ss-1e scud-d(r-17vto) 1980년에 개발되었으며 사정거리 700km에 기화폭탄 탄두와 자탄 형식의 탄두가 사용된다. NATO 보고명 은 역시 알파벳 하나 밀려서 SS-1E이다.
R-1 (missile) - Wikipedia
The R-1 rocket (NATO reporting name SS-1 Scunner, Soviet code name SA11, GRAU index 8A11) was a tactical ballistic missile, the first manufactured in the Soviet Union, and closely …