316 Stainless Steel Plug for 1/2 in. Swagelok Tube Fitting
Achieve leak-tight performance with a robust tube grip and vibration resistance. The remarkable dependability of the Swagelok tube fitting has been proven with over 65 years of success, and has been documented in numerous published test reports, …
1/2 in. 世伟洛克卡套管接头用 316 不锈钢堵塞 | 管帽和堵塞 | 卡套 …
可用于尺寸为 1/16 至 2 in. 和 2 至 50 mm 的卡套管, 首次安装后具有一致的可检测性, 易于拆开和重新紧固, 有各种材料和结构. Snoop® 检漏液; Goop™ 螺纹润滑剂; SWAK™、密封带和无 PTFE 公称管螺纹密封剂. Features: Step-by-step identification procedure for threads and end connections. 目录; 卡套管的选择; 卡套管处理; 供气服务; 卡套管安装; 建议可允许压力表.
Item # SS-810-P, Plug - Fractional - Swagelok Company
Browse Item # SS-810-P, Plug - Fractional in the Swagelok Company catalog including Item #,Item Name,Material,Tube OD,Positive Material Identification
SWAGELOK SS-810-P Plug, 316 Stainless Steel, for 1/2" Tube Fitting
SWAGELOK SS-810-P Plug, 316 Stainless Steel, for 1/2" Tube Fitting: Industrial Pipe Fittings: Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific
Swagelok SS-810-P 316 Plug for 1/2 in. Swagelok Tube Fitting ...
316 Stainless Steel Plug for 1/2 in. Swagelok Tube Fitting. IMPORTANT NOTICE: For warranty and distribution tracking Swagelok requires us to provide the end user company information (if the end user is international, we can still help but additional rules may apply).
316 Stainless Steel Plug with Lanyard, for 1/2 in. Swagelok Tube Fitting. IMPORTANT NOTICE: For warranty and distribution tracking Swagelok requires us to provide the end user company information (if the end user is international, we can still help but additional rules may apply).
Swagelok 世伟洛克卡套堵头/堵塞 SS-810-P (1/2)【图片 价格 品牌 …
Swagelok 世伟洛克卡套堵头/堵塞 SS-810-P(1/2)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦! 京东首页
SS-810-P世伟洛克卡套管接头用 316 不锈钢堵塞1/2 in.-阿里巴巴
这是SS-810-P世伟洛克卡套管接头用 316 不锈钢堵塞1/2 in.的详细页面。 材质:不锈钢,适用范围:咨询,品牌:世伟洛克,规格:SS-810-P。 我们还为您精选了其他通用五金配件公司黄页、行业资讯、价格行情、展会信息等,欲了解更多详细信息,请点击访问!
用于 1/2 in. 世伟洛克卡套管接头的 316 不锈钢 堵塞SS-810-P
这是用于 1/2 in. 世伟洛克卡套管接头的 316 不锈钢 堵塞SS-810-P的详细页面。 是否进口:否,加工定制:是,型号:SS-810-P,材质:不锈钢,适用范围:任何气体,品牌:Swagelok/世伟洛克。
Swagelok 世伟洛克 SS-810-P 1/2 卡套 堵头 - 1688.com
这是Swagelok 世伟洛克 SS-810-P 1/2 卡套 堵头的详细页面。 是否进口:否,加工定制:是,货号:TB594004309180,型号:默认项,材质:其他,品牌:BAINAI。 Swagelok世伟洛克SS-810-P1/2卡套堵头
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