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Area Information for Fenners Way, Basildon, SS13 1SW
Fenners Way, Basildon, SS13 1SW is within the Pitsea policing neighbourhood, under the Essex Police force area. For non-urgent queries, contact 101. For emergency assistance, please contact 999. In January 2025, 47 crimes were reported within half a mile of SS13 1SW.
SS13 1SW is the Postcode for Fenners Way, Basildon, , Essex
According to the 2021 Census, the SS13 1SW postcode is home to a bustling 130 residents! SS13 1SW is within the town of BASILDON. The SS13 1SW postcode area is composed of 100% residential properties, 0% commercial properties, and 0% public properties.
Map of SS13 1SW postcode - doogal.co.uk
Map of SS13 1SW postcode in Basildon, England with local information, lat/long: 51.590375, 0.503022, grid reference: TQ734909
Fenners Way, Basildon, SS13 1SW - 192.com
Who lives in Fenners Way, Basildon, SS13 1SW? And what businesses operate in this area? How much are people paying for property in Fenners Way? For this and lots of other information about SS13 1SW, click here!
Street Map for Fenners Way, SS13 1SW - StreetGuide
Local map for Fenners Way, SS13 1SW. Depending upon your area, you will find maps showing the extent of your local police force and neighbourhood, your council area, UK region, parliament constituency or clean air/traffic zones. For postcodes in London, Scotland or Wales, you will find a map showing the London or Welsh Assembly areas or ...
Fenners Way Basildon SS13 1SW - Streetlist
Fenners Way is a Street in the town of Basildon with the postcode of SS13 1SW which measures approximately 146 metres long. Fenners Way is within the Post Town of BASILDON.
SS13 1SW: Pitsea North West Ward, Basildon District, Essex …
SS13 1SW: Pitsea North West Ward, Basildon District, Essex County, England This is a page about postal code of Pitsea North West Ward, Basildon District, Essex County, England, with more professional information like latitude, longitude and online map etc.
29 FENNERS WAY BASILDON SS13 1SW - UK Postcode Check
The postcode for this property is SS13 1SW. 29 Fenners Way is located at about 15m above sea level. This property is situated at an approximate latitude and longitude of 51.590374, 0.503022 respectively. Grid Reference. This property has approximate easting and northing of 573487 and 190915 respectively. ...
House prices for SS13 1SW, Fenners Way, Basildon, SS13
A Comprehensive Guide to SS13 1SW, Fenners Way, Basildon, SS13. Updated Aug 2023. SS13 1SW is a residential postcode located onFenners Way, Basildon, SS13 with 53 houses within its bounds. The average house price is £302,656 and prices have decreased by an average of 3.2% in the last 12 months, whereas rental prices have behaved inversely, rising by 10.1%.. SS13 1SW: An Overview
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